Will CoB ever tour Australia?


Alone in the Superunknown
Dec 12, 2004
South Australia
I live in Australia and I was just wondering, do you think Children of Bodom would ever come over here on tour? I would pay good money to see em and so would a few other people I know.
well since people will yell at you, heres your answer.
maybe, its not really upto bodom where they tour and when they tour it. Theres management for a reason and they take care of all of this, so youll know if it ever gets confirmed by bodom's management. Thats all.
or maybe they will never come to Australia because it is very hot in there and they are just pale blondies and australian sun would burn them to death! :o We don't want our bunny to suffer... :loco:
I think there's a good chance for you australians to see 'em live this/next year, cause as far as i know they're planing to do a world-tour soon
I could see them coming here eventually and having a successful tour. Acts like In Flames, Opeth , Nightwish have all done extremely well here.
I think next time they tour Japan it could be on the cards. cheers

Richard O
Wings of a dream said:
Yeahhh they'll tour Australia and then they'll come to Venezuela..............bacause we live in a perfect world where everything happens you know

I happened to speak to somebody who should know best about upcoming tourdates by chance, and he told me that on the upcoming world-tour australia will be on the plan 100%. yhyy.
Alexi recently said that they will start their tour in Asia, then they visit Australia and after that they tour Europe. And in 2006 they'll tour the States again. Maybe as headliner.
Its in that scyths of bodom fansite that they will be comeing to Australia!!
will be fuckin awsome!! I though we might have to wait about 10 years before they came here, but by the looks of things it may be sooner rather than later
So now that question has been answered...

Do you know how damn expensive it is to travel too Australia from Europe? Lately I wanted to go there, and I checked for prices of planetickets... and immediately changed my mind :erk: It would have costed me at least 1800€ :yuk:

Maybe someday in the future...