Just curious since there were 2 last week if that would push back the next announcement to 12/28?
Should've just prolonged the announcement and just gave everyone an XMAS present. =)
I'm hoping Elvenking.
OK...I haven't read up on all the threads...
Why did SA's mgmt insist on early announcement...?
Were they trying to prevent leaks?
Were they waiting to announce tour dates?
Just curious...cuz it seemed like Glenn was a bit rushed (and slightly peeved) in his announcement)...
Rock on!
I'm hoping Elvenking.
Lord knows if anyone is dyin for PAGANS MIND to return its me!
Was nice to hang out with 3/5 of my Bros at this last PP but would be nice to see all of them with PM.
Especially since Sept 2007 we get a new PM disc! Stian has promised me its gonna be killer haha! *drool*
is there such a thing?.. haha
bring 'em back