Win A Chance To Talk To HAMMERFALL Today!


Mangement & Promotions
Aug 28, 2006
New Mexico
Hails to all you metal maniacs!!

Sunday October 29th METAL REIGNS will be having a special broadcast featuring live interviews with HAMMERFALL guitarist OSCAR DRONJAK and vocalist JOACIM CANS. You can come into the chatroom and ask your questions. You can also win a chance to call in and speak with them on the air!!!!

HAMMERFALL will be releasing their new album, THRESHOLD (Nuclear Blast) on October 31st.

Noon pst - 2pm cst - 3pm est
booB said:
So what you're REALLY saying is that you're interviewing the band Cans? LOL... good job, they're better than Hammerfall anyway. ;)

I was referring to Joacim Cans, vocalist of Hammerfall, wise-ass. :lol::lol:
Magius said:
So was booB.

He was talking about Cans, the vocalist, yes. But also the rest of his band as far as I understood.

Anyways, the interview was great! Expect a Hammerfall tour next year in the USA!
I don't know if I'd be so excited to see them, yeah it's Hammerfall, but their last couple of CDs have been meh. Ever since Renegade or whatever, just lackluster power metal. They need to get back to their sound from the 1st and 2nd CDs. I did kinda like Hearts on Fire from Crimson Thunder but the rest of it is hazy.

I guess they are in the same realm as Rhapsody for me, yeah they are both a cornerstone of power metal, especially 90's power metal but they just sound so blah and uninspired these days, rehash and melodies that don't grab you as their past works have done.
Entrerie said:
I don't know if I'd be so excited to see them, yeah it's Hammerfall, but their last couple of CDs have been meh. Ever since Renegade or whatever, just lackluster power metal. They need to get back to their sound from the 1st and 2nd CDs. I did kinda like Hearts on Fire from Crimson Thunder but the rest of it is hazy.

I guess they are in the same realm as Rhapsody for me, yeah they are both a cornerstone of power metal, especially 90's power metal but they just sound so blah and uninspired these days, rehash and melodies that don't grab you as their past works have done.

Ohhh don't let Oscar here you say that. When we interviewed him,he got upset bigtime when we called them Power Metal lol. He said they are Heavy Metal!!! Went on a 7 minute rant about it. But I would recommend checking out the new cd as it's heavier than Renegade IMO.
ProgmetalAngel said:
Ohhh don't let Oscar here you say that. When we interviewed him,he got upset bigtime when we called them Power Metal lol. He said they are Heavy Metal!!! Went on a 7 minute rant about it. But I would recommend checking out the new cd as it's heavier than Renegade IMO.

They don't like being called power metal? If so they should stop making power metal albums! :)