Some idiot (that would be me) ordered two copies of RAZOR's "Executioner's Song" CD... So what the hell, I decided to give it away in a draw. Enter the contest at http://www.metalcrypt.com (you have to answer a question about the band to be eligible for the draw - hey, you didn't expect not to have to do some minimal research, did you?
If you haven't done so yet, vote for your favourite metal label in the poll while you're at it...
Contest ends November 11, 2002
Some idiot (that would be me) ordered two copies of RAZOR's "Executioner's Song" CD... So what the hell, I decided to give it away in a draw. Enter the contest at http://www.metalcrypt.com (you have to answer a question about the band to be eligible for the draw - hey, you didn't expect not to have to do some minimal research, did you?

If you haven't done so yet, vote for your favourite metal label in the poll while you're at it...

Contest ends November 11, 2002