Windows 7 and firewire driver problems.


Jul 13, 2005
I am having major problems with firewire drivers, and windows 7.

Fireface800 laptop with windows 7 that is.
Everything should work, but its not, seems buggy.

Am i the only one?
Or should i just switch XP ASAP?


It's probably the laptop, not the OS. I don't believe there is a single non-Apple laptop currently being manufactured that uses a TI chipset. Some other chipsets work usually but it's really hit or miss... I know you said before that the laptop has a Ricoh chipset which probably means you are shit out of luck :/ You could try installing XP and see if it helps.

I run my Profire 2626 via Firewire in Windows 7 on my MacBook Pro though with no significant issues.
It's probably the laptop, not the OS. I don't believe there is a single non-Apple laptop currently being manufactured that uses a TI chipset. Some other chipsets work usually but it's really hit or miss... I know you said before that the laptop has a Ricoh chipset which probably means you are shit out of luck :/ You could try installing XP and see if it helps.

I run my Profire 2626 via Firewire in Windows 7 on my MacBook Pro though with no significant issues.

I'd also agree that it would be worth it to try a laptop card with a TI chipset, if you have a slot.

My laptop has a Ricoh chipset and it worked with my old Firepods, but not anything else. has TI chipset cards for 28 bucks, so it's definitely worth it to try that after optimizing your machine.

I use an almost 4 year old HP laptop, C2D 1.6 GHZ with 3GB RAM and windows 7 without issues.

You probably already know this but be sure windows 7 is completely up to date: start -> type updates in the search bar and click search for updates.
This helped me a lot with asio drivers and stuff.
I had a problem of this kind not too long ago. I have a Dual Core laptop, with w7 32bit installed. Couldn't make it work with M Audio Project Mix, tried with couple of driver install/reinstalls'. Then, one day when I wanted to switch back to WinXP it just worked. dunno why. Today, it's working good.