Winds -- somebody bring them to the states


Jan 11, 2006
I am really getting into Winds. Their sounds is gorgeous, and they have that unique quality to them.

Thanks again to online metal radio.
I,too, am a big fanboy of their sound.

Which online radio station did you hear them?
It would be cool, but doubtful it will happen.

Doomsday Music: With a lot of your projects, they are pretty much studio-only projects. Is that something that you personally don’t enjoy playing live? I realize with Age of Silence and Winds it is very difficult to get everybody in the same place at the same time.

Andy Winter: We kind of talked about that when we met up and it’s kind of the same thing still, but we did have a conversation about it because we’ve been getting some requests to play and we’ve gotten some… I’d go as far as to say we’ve gotten offers, people who are saying “let’s fly you guys out and we’ll pay for you to do a show here. We’ll pay for your plane ticket and accommodation and all that kind of stuff and you can do a show”, but the problem is that we, as a band, we have to rehearse together before making records, and [we are all busy with other projects], so we all kind of sat down and talked to him and we figured out realistically that if we are going rehearse, we have to have one month, maybe two months of rehearsing every day to become a good functioning live unit because the technical challenge of what we are playing, especially on the new material, is at the very top of what we are able to perform. I would go as far as saying that the level that we are on from a technical point of view, we don’t really have any limitations on what a person can do, but at the same time we have the limitations of being a coherent live unit and that’s not something that happens overnight, no matter how good the musicians are. You have to get to know how they play together and stuff like that. Obviously, that would be very hard for us, and until that situation changes, we have decided that we would really like to play live, but that’s not going to be possible and that’s too bad because it’s also the big thing that prevents Winds from growing a lot.

Doomsday Music: Is there ever going to be a time that you might want to look at getting your own band together with a group more locally and playing some live shows with them?

Andy Winter: Well, I’ve thought about that actually, and I have one project that I have going on that I’ve been working on for several years that is kind of just my own solo thing too. I’m thinking that I could always involve some people closer to where I am to see if that might be more doable, but at the same time I don’t know if I really have the time to dedicate to that, especially if I’m doing other stuff too. The other stuff so far has been keeping me really busy. For me, I’m not like a lot of other people who have that desire to be on stage and perform in front of hundreds of people. I never really had that kind of desire, but at the same time, you can remember from when we met, I’m not really a big music fan if you know what I mean.
Ok, first off, DoomsdayZach, I laughed myself $#!+less watching your "signature". Where do people come up with that stuff?

But the main point is... is there any other reason any of you are into Winds?

For instance, I am a major science/physics nerd, and when I saw "The Imaginary Direction of Time" I just had to try it out. (After reading theoretical discussions about such a "dimension"). I figured it'd be extreme progressive, or something fully weird and not entirely pleasing as Vintersorg's "Visions from the Spiral Generator", but had to try. And I admit, it's not something I'd typically listen to, but it has that very unique quality, and I think it's more of a "tribute" to physics than a conjecture or a lesson.

Unfortunately, physics and math (though they really are my "favorite" things) are hard to sing about without applying some kind of story (see: Manticora - Hyperion, Fear Factory - Demanufacture/Obsolete), but it's awesome to see a significant, serious, intelligent and talented approach!