Wingsuit basejumping: The biggest adrenaline rush known to man?


May 16, 2004

It gets better too so don't stop. 3:10-3:45 (or -3:45>-3:10) is especially amazing.

I swear I WILL be doing this within 5 years. Looks like you have to have a few hundred normal skydiving jumps under your belt first though.
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i think i know something that is more exhilerating....



Big wave surfing. So much fun, but also very painful. the biggest i have gotten was 6m high, and i was shitting myself and i ended up snaping my board in 2. lol
That's so freakin' awesome. I've always wanted to try basejumping but off of a tall building instead of a cliff face.

I dunno man, there's something awesome about jumping off of huge mountains. It's beautiful for one thing. I've done some research and it sounds like after the first 7 jumps or so (when you get your license) you can jump for ONLY $20. Once you reach the 300 mark or so they let you go basejumping. 500 and you can go wingsuit. Easily achievable once you're only dishing out $20 a pop (for the ultimate thrill).

Failing, those vids are awesome thanks.

Here's something else I dug up, the plane's going so fast when the guy jumps out (with a wingsuit) that it actually LAUNCHES him up several hundred feet in a split second. Crazy: