Wintersun - a lot like CoB

Who here has heard of Wintersun? They are a folk metal band from Northern Europe, and while the content of their songs is quite a bit different from that of Bodom they definitely sound extremely similar. Wintersun has a bit more deep, atmospheric sound and more diversity on their tracks, however. Where both bands are similar, though, is their frontman. While CoB is led by the amazing Alexi Laiho on lead guitar and vocals, Wintersun is led by the absolutely awe-inspiring Jari Maenpaa on lead guitar and vocals. Jari also does keyboards for the band.

For a few samplers of their work, look under the downloads section on their website at Enjoy, and tell me what you think!
The Grim Progeny of the Dusk said:
Thanks for your unbacked opinion. Would you like to provide us with a reason for your biased statement?

Also, who said it was breaking news?

You presented it as one would present something new and groundbreaking.

I think their music is boring, because:
- the song structures aren't particularly good
- they use way too much melowanking
- the use of vocals aren't good
- the expectations I got after I first heard about them was in no way fulfilled
Gee, Wintersun? Who are they?

Are they the same band i bought a CD of in 2004? Nah can't be, the way you're describing them... they must be a new band, right?

So tell me, what's a good song i can check out?
The Grim Progeny of the Dusk said:
Who here has heard of Wintersun? They are a folk metal band from Northern Europe, and while the content of their songs is quite a bit different from that of Bodom they definitely sound extremely similar. Wintersun has a bit more deep, atmospheric sound and more diversity on their tracks, however. Where both bands are similar, though, is their frontman. While CoB is led by the amazing Alexi Laiho on lead guitar and vocals, Wintersun is led by the absolutely awe-inspiring Jari Maenpaa on lead guitar and vocals. Jari also does keyboards for the band.

For a few samplers of their work, look under the downloads section on their website at Enjoy, and tell me what you think!

Would you like a longer name?
Okay so what I understand is the way these two bands are similiar is the fact that one band has an amazing lead member and the other has a awe-inspiring lead member?

Okay. Oh wait, I remember the year 2004 when I first heard of this band.
The new CoB is definitely not exciting. Their more recent work is atrocious. Watch! I can back my opinions!

-Alexi's voice has degraded to that of every other nu-metal band
-Every song melds together in a big, brown soup.
-The guitar and keyboard work are nowhere near as 'exciting' or complex as they were in Follow the Reaper and Hatebreeder
-The lyrics are made up of cheesy, fake rage

Also, to Parn, Dimmu Borgir are not the only people who know the word "Progeny". It has actually been used in common language for a long time. Would you like to tell me the definition? Consider it a pop quiz.

Also, wouldn't breaking news sort of sound like "OMG JOO HAVE 2 CHEKC OT DIS NU BAND WINTERSUN THEY R TEH PWN!!!111!!!!!ONE!!!!1one!!11111!" Eh, I guess it's just hard to interperate peoples' tone of voice through text.
The Grim Progeny of the Dusk said:
Well at least Gavin isn't one of the swarms of retards who can't seem to spell, punctuate, or use vocabulary more complex than they hear on MTV.

Quoted for truth.
The Grim Progeny of the Dusk said:
Also, wouldn't breaking news sort of sound like "OMG JOO HAVE 2 CHEKC OT DIS NU BAND WINTERSUN THEY R TEH PWN!!!111!!!!!ONE!!!!1one!!11111!" Eh, I guess it's just hard to interperate peoples' tone of voice through text.

I just figured one of the OMGALEXI!!!!!111-kids were trying a new approach to get attention :p
The Grim Progeny of the Dusk said:
Quoted for truth.

And, Seldomlaid, your signature sucks. Respect the bass, or you'll be stuck with a bullshit artist on a baritone guitar to fill your low end.

It's THESeldomlaid for you, thank you.

I have deep respect for the bass, only not for the person who choose it as his first instrument.