Wintersun Time I

I'm listening to it at the moment, I have absolutely no Wintersun knowledge except a few songs here and there, so I'm all fresh on this listening. So far it sounds good but as you say I'm not sure it's worth an 8 years wait !

I dig the (now) old school riffing. I'd just like if they, at least once, used a note out of their minor/major scale !
love this! epic. would really like to hear a version with the drums mixed a little higher and the orchestral stuff down a little bit, and the drums themselves sound suspiciously like DKFH.

the clean(ish?) vocal parts are AWESOME.
Compared to the self-titled this is a pretty big letdown, both music and mix-wise. Gonna have to spin it for a few more listens.
Maybe it's too early in the morning and I need some coffee, or I'm missing something completely obvious, but when I go to that link there is nothing anywhere to actually stream the album...
It's on spotify also now.

Terrible mix and those "drums" sound even worse/buried. As said sounds very much like DKFH.

Did Jari mix this himself?

Ermz should have mixed this. Would've been very cool.
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Maybe it's too early in the morning and I need some coffee, or I'm missing something completely obvious, but when I go to that link there is nothing anywhere to actually stream the album...

Yup, they've removed it saying now it's available, but iTunes still has the mp3's listed as preorders, wtf :mad::mad::mad:

Personally, I listened to the fuck out of the stream yesterday morning/early afternoon and loved it, then after bought and listened to the first album for the first time (I know, shoot me) - tbh, I find it (the debut) cool but kinda boring, very predictable chord progressions IMO and excessive neoclassical wanking which I've never liked, I think he matured a huge amount as a songwriter since then (especially since some of the songs on the first album were written before 2000)