Wireless guitar setups


Sep 12, 2007
Hey guys, i'm about to start looking into wireless for my guitar setup. So I figured I'de ask in the place where I trust. What setups are you guys using? And what have been the positives and negatives?
I use a Sennheiser EW172 G3 with an EW172G2 as a backup. The G2 has pretty much become the "tour standard" but I definitely think the new one is head and shoulders beyond the old.

-Since pretty much every band has one, if your cable is shorting out or your body pack shits the bed, you are going to have a good shot of someone in another band having a compatible piece.
-Well respected brand, very durable.
-G3 Series has a built in tour which is very accurate and can help simplify your rig.
-G3 Series has automute on the receiver so when your body pack dies unexpectedly (it will) you don't have to worry about heinous interference noise.

-The little cable that screws on as an 1/8" to the body pack is very prone to breakage. If it'd break on the 1/4" end it wouldn't be a big deal, but the screw on end is nearly impossible to find a replacement for. Thus you end up buying a couple $40 cables a year. I write this one up as "cost of ownership"

I'd say Line 6 is the other real option, they have a range from 200 bucks to 2k. I know some people using the G30 system. It allows you to use normal quarter inch cables which saves you from the one negative of the 172. However I heard quite a bit of audio degradation and loss of sustain when I heard it side by side with others. The people I know that have it love it, but I'm not sure I'd trust it for myself. At $300 bucks it is about 200 less than the Sennheiser though.

Good luck.
i use an old nady uh4 i found in our old practice space and since its never given me any problems i havent found a reason to purchase a new one..other guitarist uses a shure that was quite a bit more expensive and hes never had a problem either....if i were to buy a new one i would go with the shure though....better build quality
I FUCKING love my line 6 x2. You can get them cheap! Sucks it eats 9v, and has the shitty 1/.8" inch cable thing. But I've ran around the biggest of venues like a madman with 0 zero issues. we have two of them and we love them
Stageclix Pack. Digital and incredibly easy to use - it has only ONE button!
Beat that, Sennheiser! :D
I actually had an EW172 G2 before and it worked well, but I like the Stageclix better.
Line 6 G30, amazing little bastard.

It's never given me any troubles at all and I've been further than the "maximum range" from the receiver so I really don't see the need for the higher models that are supposed to go 3x as far as it.
Line6 Relay G50 for me! All metal construction. Battery life seems quite good on "economy mode". Nothing bad to say about it yet. Will do my first gig with it next week so I could comment more after it.
I picked up the Line 6 X2 before the Relay series came out some I'm sticking with it for a while, I have done a few gigs with it and have to say, aside from eating 9v batteries like a hungry pitbull, although I got a couple of gigs back to back with the same battery, short sets, only 30-35 minutes, this thing is awesome. Great sound quality for being wireless and not a single issue yet.

I would look into the relay series for sure!

Dude, straight up those Line 6 Relay's (g50 and g90).

I've used 2 different types of Shure's and a Sennheiser g2 or whatever it's called and it absolutely kills them. The Shure's/Sennheiser's piss me off with the companding bullshit that causes me to have to adjust settings in my patches.
Our other guitarist has the G50, and last weekend we played in Canberra - after we got offstage he realised he didn't even screw in the antennae!! he was running back and forth the whole time and the signal was crisp.

Can't rate them any higher dude.
Sennheiser Freeport user here.
love it.

only thing i hate is the 2.5mm trs that you plug into the pack. if it was quarter inch i'd be much happier.
I´ve got the little Line6 (G30) and it´s awesome! Bought it because it fits very well on my pedalboard (same size as a standard pedal)
sennheiser ew372 g3 user here. no problems at all.
the problems is that those frequencies possibly can´t be used anymore in a few years (at least here in germany).
line 6 relay doesn´t seem to have this problem. so if you are touring all around the world it should be the better deal.
Hey guys, any of you had any experience with the Samson airline 77 AG1? I've been looking into going wireless since my band has started gigging and I found one for pretty cheap. Just wondered what your opinions are and whether I should go ahead with the purchase or go for something else...

Any input would be appreciated :D