Wisdom - Rise of the Wise

Fire breath

Feb 20, 2002
Probably the best Hungarian band I've ever heard. Not that I've heard many lol. Anyway if you like Helloween inspired power metal you've clicked on the right thread. The new song is amazing to say the least. The lyric video is one of the best I've ever seen as well.

This may be my most anticipated release this year. Over the last few years, they've snuck their way in my top 5 favorite power metal bands and certainly one of my top-5 *live* power metal bands.

They're not doing anything earth-shattering or groundbreaking (think Sabaton/Amon Amarth, etc.) and it does seem like they're just writing the sme song over and over again but unlike Sabaton/Amon Amarth I think they have infinite replayability. I love it.

EDIT: Their vocalist, Gabor, is one of the largest human beings I've ever met. Here's a picture of him next to 5'11"/6' Fabio Lione:

EDIT2: Shit, sorry for the large photo, trying to make it smaller.
Awesome band. They keep it simple, yet don't forget what European power metal is all about. Judas is a great album, and this video is a classic. If you want more cheese, move to Switzerland.