Wishbone Ash


Jul 28, 2008
right outside Oslo, Norway
Has anybody here listened to or heard of them? Mikael is obviously a fan of them and so am I, although I just started listening to them a month ago. ARGUS, their third album, is a near masterpiece.
Excellent album, as is their first one to. Twin guitar leads are fuckin' brilliantly played. Bass player is phenominal as well. I read back when this album was released(I think 71-72) it was the top album of the year, surpassing Aqaulung-Tull and Machine Head--Deep Purple. Their still recording, but I don't believe they'll ever top Argus.
I freakin love Wishbone Ash! A great band from the early 70s that just couldn't break into the mainstrean. Too bad really. Imo they could be considered the first viking metal band, even tho they were blues based. Songs like "Warrior", "I had to be a warrior, a slave I couln't be. A soldier and conqueror fighting to be free."

And that brings up why they couldn't make it big. They never had a good singer or lyricist. The vocals were week. If they had a dynamic frontman, that would have made a huge difference. The music was great tho. Argus was, is a great album. Very underrated band. Too bad they couldn't have been bigger. But I suggest that everyone at least give them a try. Crank up "Blowin Free" sometime when you are driving down the road and you can't help but :D
I freakin love Wishbone Ash! A great band from the early 70s that just couldn't break into the mainstrean. Too bad really. Imo they could be considered the first viking metal band, even tho they were blues based. Songs like "Warrior", "I had to be a warrior, a slave I couln't be. A soldier and conqueror fighting to be free."

And that brings up why they couldn't make it big. They never had a good singer or lyricist. The vocals were week. If they had a dynamic frontman, that would have made a huge difference. The music was great tho. Argus was, is a great album. Very underrated band. Too bad they couldn't have been bigger. But I suggest that everyone at least give them a try. Crank up "Blowin Free" sometime when you are driving down the road and you can't help but :D

I think Martin Turner is a decent singer, but Andy Powell should never been allowed to sing!:rolleyes: His singing is downright embarrassing on songs like "Throw down the sword". He isn't even in tune all the time!:guh: That song is cool however. My favorites right now are "Warrior", "The King Will Come", "Sometime World" and "Leaf and Stream". :kickass:
what does this mean
You surprise me. With all your amazing brilliance you don't know what that statement means. I'll try and explain; "On it's release Argus entered the UK album charts at number 8 before peaking at 3. Argus was released on April 28, 1972. The two leading UK music journals of it's day were (Sounds and Melody Maker). Readers, the fans of both highly regarded journals voted Argus "Best album of the Year." in 1972, selecting it over Machine Head--Deep Purple and Thick as a Brick--Jethro Tull." I mistakenly said it was Aqualung. Does that clear things up? CLASSIC adj. 1. of the first or highest quality, class, or rank; a classic piece of work. 2. serving as a standard, model , or guide. 3. something noteworthy of it's kind and worth remembering. This taken from an article written by Leon Tsilis.
there's no way this outsold machine head and jethro tull, maybe it won some voter poll in some magazine, how does that make it the "top album of the year"
Go back and check the sales for the album,man if it means that much to you to make certain I'm wrong, or don't know what I'm talking about. I just quoted to you what I had read. I was 18, when Argus was first released, and maybe you are correct in the actual sales of the album, in comparison to the other 2. I do remember at that time, Argus was massively popular. You come off as someone who would be in bed with Megan Fox, and still find something to complain about. Who loves you, baby?
I do like them, and this comment isn't just about them but alot of bands: I do get tired of the bar after bar of pentatonic solos. I know they arent all like that, but some of the solos on Argus are, and it's just a personal thing for me; I feel that the semitone is really a requirement to create than tension and dissonance, the intervals in a pentatonic scale always seem to be too much in the way of consonance. But also i'm very partial to chromatic scales. I still think they are a good band.