Witchcraft trial logic was weird


Much less calm than you
Sep 14, 2004
Just got out of the first meeting of my once a week class on Witchcraft and part of what we did was read some depositions from trials. In this particular one a man comes to another man's horse, but can't because the master and horse are out. The next day the horse was seriously ill. The horse's owner calls over a relative to help, he puts tobacco in a pipe and lights it. Then he holds the pipe by the horse's ass which causes the eruption of a massive blue flame that causes the horses owner to fear the burning down of his barn. The horse still does not improve (big surprise). The next day another guy is called over and suggests burning a portion of the horse's ear. The owner doesn't want to do that for another day hoping the horse will improve. As they are leaving the barn, the horse falls down dead. Who gets accused of witchcraft you ask? Of course it is the wife of the guy who wanted to borrow the horse.

I just thought this was too weird a case not to post.