with arch enemy yesterday night!!( in chile ) - pics.. -


Dec 7, 2004
santiago, chile
sooo this weekend was and will be one of the best of my life dudes!!

soo i went out with my band and sharlee, daniel and my beer mate Fredrik and some girls :Smug:

this one was take it after leaving the bar :rofl:

well this guys rocks, they are really cool normal people :headbang: , so you have to know that.. they are not bad ass rockstars and that shit.. by the way mike and angela stay in the hotel that night :erk:

okay !! soon more pictures of the guys with us in the bar :heh:

the show wass really awesome....! angela is sooo sexy on the stage :loco:
cool ass pics..Yeah I remember reading about that about 2 years ago...I heard that they were planning on getting or already married..but keep it on the dl.