"With the flaming shades of fall" cover by Soultorn


Oct 10, 2001
Hi there people...
I wonder if any of you have heard this cover version of With the flaming shades of fall by this californian band "Soultorn"...

actually I don't want anybody to be offended, by I think, in the first place, it sucks!!! It lacks any kind of strengh (except may be for the vocals) and it's basically a poor cover for "not the best" DT song ever.

Now, what can you expect from a band who place on their advertising ad banner "www.soultorn.tk by the creator of the InFlames site Frederik Kreem" I mean, eing?????? :eek:

well anyway...if anybody wants to check this band go here: http://www.soultorn.tk/
the guys look a bit ehmmm weird (you'll see yourselves), but at least they say DT is one of their biggest influence and that DT themselves let them do the cover.
Also the cover of the album is made by Niklas (not his best cover though)

the cover, in case you mind and want to listen to, you'll find in mp3.com (search for Soultorn, in their latest album called Masks)

so that's all for today....
fathervic (with the flaming shades of troll)
"We hope you enjoy your stay in our digital adobe" - Soultorn

The only other time i've noticed (i emphasize i and noticed) a website called "digital abode" (and not adobe :rolleyes: ) is in DD's booklet...
While listening, I felt like saying something in the way of: "It's disgusting and a total disgrace!". But, music is for alles. A shame to actually put it on a record though *hiss hiss* :lol:

mmm.. flaming shades of fall :). picturing red-rust-yellow-brown leaves, moist and chill in the air, the smell of smoke rising from the chimneys, and a slight depression :grin:
Well... hello all. A friend pointed this thread out to me a little bit ago, figured I'd give a decent reply, without screaming and whining, considering this is one of the best forums on UM.

In reply to Fathervic, I can only say that this is a self released album, and that we did our interpretaion of the song. Of course the production is not as stellar as that of the original, but there's not much to be said there. Maybe it would have been a better idea not to pay tribute to one of our influences, in this case.
Yeah, we do look weird, I can agree there, but as for the slipknot poster, I'm ashamed :lol: Those pics are coming down.
In response to our "ad"vertisement banner, I will just mention the fact that people who are not aware of our music would feel more intruiged to enter the site, with a phrase such as "by the in flames webmaster, fredrik kreem." If that is somehow taboo and wrong in the metal community, to let new listeners relate, then I stand corrected.
I can only say that we are doing our best to do what we do, and being one of the few bands in Northern California to be doing this type of music, it's disheartening and dissapointing to see a thread like this.
But you are all entitled to your opinions. Thank you for the feedback.

Thrash until death takes you
see, what did i tell you all? word gets around, this place is public. ;)

@soultorn: i haven't heard your cover or checked your website yet, but i have to admit you're gaining my outmost respect for the peaceful and open-minded way you've chosen to address us here even though we were being... let's say hyper-critical. so, should your rendition of "flaming shades" suck, i'm going to give it full marks when it comes to style. :)

anyone who likes DT has got something going for them.
anyone who makes music inspired by DT has got doible going for em.
anyone who disagrees - do it yourself ;) :p
Well at least we're not bickering and fighting like wombats here. If that's what some of you expected from me, I'm sorry to dissapoint you, but I.. for one... am comfortable with keeping metal alive as a whole, and not throwing retorts like monkey shit at anyone that doesn't like what we're doing. :lol:
I am sincere in my remark "Thank you for the feedback." It is appreciated, whether good or bad... I mean.. hey.. at least people are listening to our music, haha.

"Keep the Metal Faith alive." - Chuck
Being one of those few that find the original "With the Flaming Shades of Fall" an excellent song (best of the OCaEN MCD even!), I must say the cover is far from it in quality. Nevertheless, the song has some definite potential IMHO. The vocals, although far weaker than those of Stanne, are original enough to bring something fresh to the song, while the guitars sound "crispier" than on the original (which is nice for a change).

The main problems of the song, IMHO, are the uninspired bass-work (relative to that of Henriksson, that is) and the staggering start - the song simply does not get going before the vocals kick in (unlike in the original, where the music flows very well from the first note on). Luckily it gets better through time and the multi-layered guitars and vocals after the 2-minute mark are nearly as great as the originals. The drums are also rather sloppy at times, but as they are not so dominant as on many other DT-songs, it doesn't really matter so much.

I just heard the cover and i hate the vocals, they remind me a bit of Friden, and it seems to me the singer is not emotionally connected to what he's singing. :cry:

Siren (one of those few)
Siren bis (with flaaaaming... SHADES OF FAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAALL)
:notworthy :notworthy

and I really mean it....
first of all, I didn't have a clue any of the band was around here...
secondly, I never posted to bash, to insult, nor to make fun of you
and third, I only posted the thread BECAUSE you guys made the cover version of Dark Tranquillity and I thought it could be nice topic for a thread...

now for this...

Originally posted by Soultorn
In response to our "ad"vertisement banner, I will just mention the fact that people who are not aware of our music would feel more intruiged to enter the site, with a phrase such as "by the in flames webmaster, fredrik kreem." If that is somehow taboo and wrong in the metal community, to let new listeners relate, then I stand corrected.

It surely worked on me, since I entered to see which band was actually promoting themselves by the name of a webmaster. It's a marketing input, nothing else. Not my kind of input though, but may be, if you become famous, nobody will remember ;)

For the rest of your post, I can only agree...It's wonderful to see there's some people who still can discuss opendmindedly! And for sure, I'm totally aware of the modest production possibilities...
I hope you guys have good luck, and I'm happy to see that in the US there's NEW bands trying to play good music.
Lilitu is a great example of it, you're on the other coast (i think)
best wishes, and thanx for your calm reply

fathervic (with all his respect)
sorry, I forgot to mention, Not let yourself be dishearted or dissapointed by our critique...just think how much did they criticize a band called Septic Broiler back in the '90 because they sucked horribly ;) :p
Well, as I've stated, all input is good.
I will proudly claim that we learned the song tab-less, so for the uninspired bass work, heh... yeah... I talked to Niklas about that... and he claimed Henriksson did some "very weird things".
If we would have had some more time before the recording, we would have figured them out... but , trying for the seasonal release, we were forced to do with what we had. That's honest there.. no "interpretation" about it, we mocked up the skeleton of the rythm parts and used it as a bass line. Dissapointing for us.
The entire recording of Masks was sloppy, to a fault. Our guitar player works nights.. and had no sleep the day we did his leads, not to mention he had to drive about 2 hours back and forth to the studio in addition. The engineer had little/no input on ANYTHING, being in the punk band AFI, at one point. (and to boot didn't like loud music, for some odd reason), so recording at half volume, with a zombie guitar player and a migrane, I will admit to some final sloppiness, which I curse to this day still. All the reviews that talk about our "punk energy" cause me much laughter. :rolleyes: It's a depressing feeling to sit down and listen to songs that had such great potential though that foggy production.
Anyhow, glad to hear the opinions, still and all. If you'd like a better example of our music... check out "Away"

Stay metal
Originally posted by Soultorn
Well at least we're not bickering and fighting like wombats here. If that's what some of you expected from me, I'm sorry to dissapoint you,

not really, that's probably just what i would have expected from myself in a similar situation. i hope fathervic remembers that when i first make my appearance on mp3.com with one a cappella cover of shadow duet. :grin:

btw, the word "afi" caught my eye, since they're one of my favourite bands. how could someone once in the band not like loud music...?

it was weird as hell... he kept covering his ears.... especially with the drums... and he had ear plugs. the headphones we SUPER low... god... a disaster. But that's what we had to work with the following days....