Wither... my new favorite song of all-time

Wow. Now *that* is high praise. I thoroughly enjoy the new album but hadn't come close to putting any of the songs on that type of pedastol. I'll definitely emphasize that one on the next listen.

Glad I urged you to give 'em a second look at ProgPower VI. :)

I dare say that Isolate is a better album than the new Symphony X!!! That is certainly high praise since I regard Paradise Lost to be an awesome album.

I dare say that Isolate is a better album than the new Symphony X!!! That is certainly high praise since I regard Paradise Lost to be an awesome album.


Treading dangerous ground there Bear...puting one of my favorite albums of the year against one of my other favortites, man at that level, I personally can't choose - their both too damn awesome!!!
The album is PHENOMINAL... I haven't enjoyed an album this much/ played over and over and over/ savored the genius of it/ etc, etc, since Operation Mindcrime.. seriously...

For me Circus Maximus is one the best bands to come out in YEARS.. Overflowing with talent they know how to make the tunes and deliver them - not too much, not too little - just enough to make you want more... and alot more...

chapter 1 was kick ass - Isolate even more so, to the umpteenth power... Big ol' 'not worthy' bow the CM guys...
Chapter 1 is the better album...Isolate, while having it's moments, is too derivative.

That's your opinion, but in my opinion, as Chapter 1 is one of my all time favorite albums and was one of those albums that just came out of the blue and totally floored everyone, and has been in rotation on my MP3 player since it came out. In my Opinion, Isolate is by far the better of the two, this album definetly takes CM to the next level in their development as one of the best bands to come along in a long time, this album is being well recevied all over, and I can't wait to see them preform all the songs live when they do their US tour.
For once, I gotta agree with Ascension... it sounds too much like the first album - almost like they set out to create a carbon copy of the first album. But, whatever - it's still a good album.
For once, I gotta agree with Ascension... it sounds too much like the first album - almost like they set out to create a carbon copy of the first album. But, whatever - it's still a good album.

I feel that Isolate is to The 1st Chapter as Awake is to Images & Words. A great continuation of a previous effort with out loosing or compromising the integrity in the music or the band.
