Within Temptation - Mother Earth WTF?


teh Jörgsche O.ô
Jul 23, 2003
Berlin, Germany.
Help. o_o Everytime I watch German's TV lonely Rock/Metal/stuff-shows and the new crap from Within Temptation (Mother Earth and Ice Queen Videos) are broadcasted, I ask myself "WTF?". I mean - I have some old stuff from them like "Candles", "Gatekeeper" and the grat "Restless"... Which drugs did they do to become a weird Rhapsody-Nightwish-Ripoff? -_-; I want the OLD Within Temptation back, since their new music ain't even fitting to Sharons Voice..
They weren't great in '97 and "Enter" isn't a great Album, yet a good one. I just ask myself were all the talent went that shined through "Enter". -_- It lacks BIG TIME in "Mother Earth"..