"Without Face... Without Music?" or "Yet Another Periodic Without Face Query"


Jan 26, 2003
Boston, U.S.
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I know it's been asked before, but is there any news on the Without Face front? Lee, didn't you mention something about a demo they'd recorded some time ago that didn't impress you? Will either you or the band hurry up and make some decisions so we hapless listeners can enjoy the damn band once more? :lol: :lol: :lol: You already know my next question too: is Julie's post WF project still alive?
The band are to record the next one in Poland in November. If I don't do it I'm sure someone else will.

Julie's To-Mera project is now very much alive after and initial false start. Work started with a new guitar player and drummer a couple of months back. Rough demos have been made and a "real" demo should be available to labels and for download by early summer. So far it's sounding great, and suprisingly heavy. Kind of like a mix of Opeth and Meshuggah, but with an eastern / mediteranian vibe.

Thanks for making this thread Oded. I think I've already exhausted my Without Face thread allotment.

I hope that Without Face can get back on track, but it'll definitely be difficult without Julie.

To-Mera also sounds like it's gonna kick arse, and their demo will probably hold me over until Without Face's next release.
Hello, i was wondering if To-mera's sound is like Pentagram/Mezarkabul? It's a band from Turkey and they do sound pretty oriental/mediterranean. Just curious.
nunoloveus said:
Hello, i was wondering if To-mera's sound is like Pentagram/Mezarkabul? It's a band from Turkey and they do sound pretty oriental/mediterranean. Just curious.

I know of the band but I can't say i've actually heard them. I will have to have a look at a web site for a couple of tracks to download.

We did think "oh shit..." a little bit when we heard the new Orphand Land album, simply because they'd used that eastern feeling to good effect, but we realised that our stuff is done in a much different style. You will have to wait and see! :)

There's a good chance we will be recording a demo in a studio in Italy at either the end of June or the beginning of July.

Lee -
You can download a Mezarkabul MP3 here . I couldn't get a complete URL for the MP3 itself so just scroll down to 'Mezarkabul'. It's pretty chipper.

I simply can't wait for To-Mera's demo. I'm prancing about in anticipation.
Sepsis said:
Lee -
You can download a Mezarkabul MP3 here . I couldn't get a complete URL for the MP3 itself so just scroll down to 'Mezarkabul'. It's pretty chipper.

I simply can't wait for To-Mera's demo. I'm prancing about in anticipation.

Cheers for the link. Not bad at all. Reminds me of Tad Morose a bit. Still nothing like the To-Mera stuff thank goodness! :)