without thought mixes

yeah the snare is a little too fake for me too...
the kick could loose a little click, but my drummer would cry
thanks guys, yeah guildford is.....great.lol
any other critiques etc?, ill post some wavs or mp3's when i get home
just a nod to everyone looking at this forum to check out there myspace and see them live if your from the uk, they are an amazing band with a good following, check them out! they will not disapoint! WITHOUT THOUGHT is the name :worship:
Sounds good to me. The kick is a maybe bit too clicky and too upfront and somehow it's maybe a bit too "seperate" from the rest of the drums. It feels like it's "playing a note" that is not in tune with the song... hard to explain...
i agree!!
like i said the drummer would have crieds if it was anyother way,
i think the snare has a little too much of a certain sample going on as well ;)