Without wishing to appear stupid....


Dec 23, 2004
...I was wondering if anyone had any suggestions regarding the meaning of the Haven :.:: logo?

I realise this may have been discussed many times before, but I am new here, and the search facility isn't working.
rahvin said:
some know, but can't tell...

How did said people come across this information, and how spectacular a revelation is it when they find out?
La Rocque said:
:. = L :: = U , L+U = LU aka love you, thus 'dark tranquillity loves you'
that combined with the target-over-heart (?) tat makes for an interesting theory :tickled:

seriously now, did you guess this or were told by someone who'd know?
the only thing I could find out about the cover was in an interview I once did with mikael at the hell on earth festival a few years ago and that was what he told me (sorry its in german):

das "Haven" Cover ist eigentlich kein Herz, es ist eine Blume, die aussieht wie ein Herz mit Dornen drauf. Es sieht isoliert aus, sehr chaotisch, und ich denke das passt genau zu den Texten.

but it says something like the cover image is not a heart but a flower that looks like a heart

dunno if thats of any help but nothing about the mysterious signs, sorry
Siren said:
that combined with the target-over-heart (?) tat makes for an interesting theory :tickled:

seriously now, did you guess this or were told by someone who'd know?
I really think that LaRocque should author a book called "The Dark Tranquillity Code: Explore the myth and mystery behind this one-of-a-kind band." :Spin:
no its from college fuck festival :puke: :D

just a joke
anyway this spike heart on the haven-cover , I cant find any relation to the dots
first I thought it was braille but that doesnt work
Hg is the chemical symbol for Mercury. Mercury was the Roman messenger-god, as well as the closest planet to our sun. From this we can clearly deduce that :.:: is a 6 on its side.
LaRocque said:
:. = L :: = U , L+U = LU aka love you, thus 'dark tranquillity loves you'
Close. :. = L but :: = O. That makes LO, and if you say the names of those letters ("ell oh"), that's how some English people pronounce "hello", a popular salutation. Also, L = "love" as you said, and O = "oh", the sound commonly associated with confusion and also enlightenment. Further, O = 0, the number zero. From this the only logical conclusion is that Dark Tranquillity, with the :.:: symbol, are greeting the confused lack of enlightenment. What confused lack of enlightenment, you may well ask? Clearly, the confused lack of enlightenment of the masses as to the meaning of the :.:: symbol.