We are Witticism from Germany!
Our music is a mix of Black-&Death Metal combined with a "gentle touch" of Metalcore - thats what we call SwedishDeath...
Check out our stuff at www.Witticism.de.
Our first album is out too, called "Oden´s Rain", maybe you´d like to buy one
So "KeepFuckingSupportMetal"
Greez from Germany
We are Witticism from Germany!
Our music is a mix of Black-&Death Metal combined with a "gentle touch" of Metalcore - thats what we call SwedishDeath...
Check out our stuff at www.Witticism.de.
Our first album is out too, called "Oden´s Rain", maybe you´d like to buy one

So "KeepFuckingSupportMetal"
Greez from Germany