Wizard, Goochan, and Wyvern

Dec 3, 2004
Arizona, USA
This thread is mainly directed at my buddy, Wyvern, 'cause I know his tastes for pure old school. Anyone is welcome to chime in though!

Recently got me a copy of a band called Wizard, album called Goochan, after reading rave reviews. For old school metal, this album is fantastic. Really heavy 80's style riffing, melodic, creative, a pleasant mix of thrash here and there. Reminds me a bit of Tad Morose meets Overlorde or Winter's Bane. Nothing really original, but totally OS.

For those that haven't heard them, they have samples on their website (not that you can tell much from such brief samples):


This Goochan album I've been listening to the past week kicks some serious ass in it's entirety.
Alright gonna check it. Wizard has been ringing a bell somewhere out in my head for a long time, maybe it's time to do it so.

Thanks mate.
They do kick ass. I've got 'Odin', 'Bound By Metal' 'Head of the Deceiver' & 'Magic Circle' by them and they're all good. Haven't heard the newest one - It was out of stock when I ordered.
Careful NOT confuse them with the Brazillian band 'Wizards' who are also cool but totally different (more progish & mid tempo stuff).

NP: Wizard\Magic Circle\02-Wizard-Fire and Blood.mp3
"Odin" was a pretty good Manowarish record but I'm not that much of a fan of their other releases, especially "Magic Circle", maybe the new one shows some improvement.