Wodensthrone - Loss

Anom@nder Rake

lives on the internet
Sep 21, 2004
new jersey, usa
Is it still cool to listen to folky black metal? Wodensthrone hails from the UK and this album Loss is their first full-length. The album has solemn atmosphere. It was recorded and produced in Romania by Negura Music. It's currently available at Profound Lore Records for those that dig it.

Full album http://depositfiles.com/en/files/460k15j2d

Their splits are good.. haven't heard Loss yet though. I've been meaning to pick this up actually from Bindrune (though maybe I'll just get it from Profound Lore if it's there) but it was released while I was moving and lost track.
Someone tell me if this is good! There is so little worthwhile folk/metal out there, as far as I'm concerned the genre is a write-off unless someone recommends a specific band that transcends the bullshit of Eluvitie and their ilk
Not essential by any means, sadly.
For those who have to check every pagan release with a nice cover, it's somewhere in the middle part of the column, a long way below Negura Bunget or even Falls of Rauros for that matter.