Wolverine - Communication Lost now in stock

What a sick band; was waiting for this one and of course you get it as soon as my order arrives!

What would be cool is if Glenn were able to pull off The Window Purpose in it's entirety and then an acoustic set of their newer stuff on Saturday:Smokin:

They definitely deserve a 3 spot on the Prog Power stage!
I know this band has been discussed here some, so I went on a search for some old threads. I ran across some of their stuff on YouTube last night, so I listened to some of it. I was shocked at how well I liked it to be honest! I streamed Communication Lost from Rhapsody today and fell in love at song number 4, Your Favorite War! I'll be buying what I can find on Laser CD soon!

From what I can tell so far, the listener has to be patient for the songs to build up, but that's the cool part about it. I really like the dark, ambient vibe going on too...the use of violins and so forth. Cool stuff!

One of my all time favourite bands. Love everything they have done, from the first ep they released to the latest album Communication Lost. A criminally underrated band
Only just starting with these guys - heard some stuff from Communication Lost on PRM station and dug it. Have the album tagged on Spotify and have recently started to go through the rest of it.

Have to say that since I heard first heard anything from it on PRM, the track PULSE stuck right in my brain.

Totally friggen amazing song - absolutely love it.
