Wolverine: Fervent Dream original version available!


Badger Boy

Buy the original version of Fervent Dream</I>

You can now buy our first EP Fervent Dream. It has been really hard to find the last couple of years since, to our great delight, it sold out pretty soon after it's release. A friend of ours, Christian Rivel, has managed to get 15 copies of the CD and he now has them for sale through his own label Rivel Records. Orders will only be accepted through e-mail so we suggest you get in touch with Christian through this address: info@rivelrecords.com
Christian will get back to you a.s.a.p and arrange all the details concerning the order! We hope you will enjoy the CD!

Remember, there are only 15 copies available and this is the original pressing released by Zizania Entertainment Group back in 1999.

The original release has 5 tracks on it, comes in a jewel case and was released on Zizania Entertainment Group (ca. 800 copies).

The Re-release has 7 tracks, comes in a DigiPak and was released on Emerald Factory (ca. 2000 copies).

There is also a strictly limited version that goes under the name "The Växjö Edition" that has 5 tracks, is hand numbered and comes in a slim case (30 copies).

Plus there's also a cassette demo of the songs with different artwork (ca. 150 copies I think).

Collect them all and win a prize! :grin:
Unsumed said:
The original release has 5 tracks on it, comes in a jewel case and was released on Zizania Entertainment Group (ca. 800 copies).

Yep, I've got the jewel case version. 1 of only 800. Sweet! :Spin:
hehe, wednesday I bought the Emerald Factory edition of 7 tracks! I'm very proud of it. But I don't think I would do a collection. I also already have The Window Purpose.

And I'm thinking about reviewing them :Saint:

edit: Andreas, you mean a re-remix of CLoM? :p
hm, I see no point in getting a 5 track version, when there's a remastered 7 track digi-pack edition available. I wanted to buy the first release of FD when it just came out, but I had no money at that time...I was slightly pissed off when it was sold out after 4 months, but then the re-release came out and I was glad that I didn't buy the "original".

the funny thing is, something like that happened to me with TWP as well: the first pressing of TWP had this audio-error on at least one track; I can't really remember what it was, but I think it wasn't mastered properly or something - I was broke (as always) when TWP came out, so I could not buy one of the damaged copies :)

...sometimes it's really nice to be broke :p
Fredcod said:
edit: Andreas, you mean a re-remix of CLoM? :p

Hehe... Yup, that's what I meant :). Just got home from Germany. Haven't even unpacked yet :). Now all that remains is the mastering which will be done on august 4 at Eroc's Mastering Ranch (same guy that did the remastering of Fervent Dream).

Nico16 said:
the first pressing of TWP had this audio-error on at least one track; I can't really remember what it was, but I think it wasn't mastered properly or something

The problem was that KMS, who payed for the recordings, sent the unmastered listening copy that we got from the studio to the printers by mistake... What can I say... We're not the luckiest band in the world when it comes to releasing albums :grin:.