
Wolverine is indeed a good band and another great signing for the label. If you continue this way Lee, you`ll outgrow Earache any day...

Btw, what the fuck is Scorpius doing on this board?

Originally posted by Ray
If you continue this way Lee, you`ll outgrow Earache any day...

first Lee must signing Enter Chaos - heheh...
just kidding ofcourse:p
I'd love to grab their Fervent Dream ep now, since The Window Purpose is a great disc
And I'd like to finally own their new one... It's so damn hard to get.

I hope they'll stay with Elitist for more than one album...they've changed labels for the third time now since I started to be a fan in late '99 ;)
It's a four album deal so hopefully things'll be a little more stable in the future for 'em.
Wow, that was the best thing you could do :lol: Well, I think it would be nice if a band with so many albums could do some touring as well some day... :headbang:
i was on their web a couple of days ago, but when i was at work... i don't remember address :(