Woo, CBP2 Released

Yes, AS-Thrust does kick some major ass. Other big highlights are CTF-Deep, CTF-Skorbut, DM-Archepelago, DOM & DM-Summit and ONS-Valarna. Valarna brings back so many memories. I'm so glad he used the original Unreal music, too. That's one of the things that drew me to Unreal in the first place.
Though I haven't played it in a real game, and therefore have no idea of its playability, Reconstruct is awesome, both visually and technologically. It does things I didn't even know could be done (i.e. those barriers that rapidly build themself to block your path).
No way dudes. I was hella disappointed with Volume 1. Only decent maps in it were Achilles and Archipelago. I wasn't even that fond of Reconstruct, although I do like the remake of Gazpacho.

I've got no reservations saying that Volume 2 is many many times better than Volume 1. I don't think they even compare to be honest.
I think the CBPs are pretty good, the skins that come with CPB1 are cool.

I've patched it and although it has the no CD thing, it seems to have created more problems than it's solved, some game ruining ones too. Like everytime I stepped onto a node to capture it it exploded and went back to neutral, this was happening to a few people on my team. I was on red, it was the first node on Red Planet. See if it happens to you :erk:
Meh, Epic fucked-up the whole patch business. They're bloody useless. Jailbreak and Red Orchestra are still buggy (asides from their being incomplete) and I can't even play ChaosUT2k4 yet because it needs the patch, but when I installed it last time I couldn't even start the game afterwards at all!! Good going Epic!! Fuckwads don't know what they're doing with their own game.