Woo, I'm here! =O


80s freak
Apr 30, 2006
Just found this forum via/ google, and joined. My name is Scott, and I'm 16.

I mainly listen to Thrash and Power metal as well as Classic Rock. My favorite bands are Metallica, Slayer, Dragonforce, Overkill, Megadeth, Iron Maiden, Judas Priest, Death, Pantera, Avenged Sevenfold (Don't kill me), AC/DC, Lynard Skynard, Queen, and Led Zepplin.

IWP said:
Just found this forum via/ google, and joined. My name is Scott, and I'm 16.

I mainly listen to Thrash and Power metal as well as Classic Rock. My favorite bands are Metallica, Slayer, Dragonforce, Overkill, Megadeth, Iron Maiden, Judas Priest, Death, Pantera, Avenged Sevenfold (Don't kill me), AC/DC, Lynard Skynard, Queen, and Led Zepplin.


Welcome. You got some good bands in their... now we gotta get you into death and black metal.
IWP said:
Eh, just as long as it's not too emoish. Heard aout Dimmu Borgir, are they good?

Black Metal, emoish?
Dimmu Borgir are alright, seroiusly check out the recommendations thread in General Music Discussion (GMD) and listen to some of the bands on there. Trust me, within a month youll be a black, death trash power freak like the rest of us :rock:
IWP said:
Eh, just as long as it's not too emoish. Heard aout Dimmu Borgir, are they good?

I like Dimmu but many do not consider them black metal. Their best albums are the originial version of Stormblast, Enthrone Darkness Triumphant and Spiritual Black Dimensions. You should check out the first 3 Emperor albums: In the Nightside Eclipse, Anthems to the Welkin at Dusk and Equilibrium IX. Let's other good black metal: everything Mercyful Fate did in the 80's is essential, Bathory is good (especially the Viking-esque albums... Hammerheart), Darkthrone (especially Transilvanian Hunger and Under a Funeral Moon), etc. There's lots of good stuff. Some groups use lots of keyboards and are more sophisticated and emotional while others are very raw and primitive. Just listen to the music until you get used to it and go from there.
Thoth-Amon said:
I like Dimmu but many do not consider them black metal. Their best albums are the originial version of Stormblast, Enthrone Darkness Triumphant and Spiritual Black Dimensions. You should check out the first 3 Emperor albums: In the Nightside Eclipse, Anthems to the Welkin at Dusk and Equilibrium IX. Let's other good black metal: everything Mercyful Fate did in the 80's is essential, Bathory is good (especially the Viking-esque albums... Hammerheart), Darkthrone (especially Transilvanian Hunger and Under a Funeral Moon), etc. There's lots of good stuff. Some groups use lots of keyboards and are more sophisticated and emotional while others are very raw and primitive. Just listen to the music until you get used to it and go from there.

Yeh what he said :notworthy