WOODS 4: The GREEN Album.

David Gold

Son of the Darkest Blues
Feb 20, 2004
No hometown, Ontario.

Demo-ing songs, oh, we have been demo-ing songs. :zombie:

This process of pre-production for W4 had been weighing heavily on my mind for quite some time. I got right to work as soon as we returned from our tour of Eastern Canada in May. It was daunting at first, as it always is, but a week later I'm really excited about what we're about to create. I have a very strong sense of what this album is about, why we're making it and where it fits into the grand-scheme of all that is WOODS. The guys are all hard at work on their respective parts. We are working with 16 song-skeletons, about 64 minutes of music at approximately 4 minutes each, and other conceptual multiples of the number four. The sounds range from strange to straightforward and obviously heavy. I, personally, really, really, really like what we have here, and we hope you will too.

It's not even black metal, nor is it "I Can't Believe it's not Black Metal". :ill:

But it will be interesting and HEAVY!!!

Thanks as always! More soon!

DG - \w/
Every now and then I see you listening to "Woods IV Song x" on Last.fm, and it is making me extremely jealous that I can not hear them. I am really looking forward to hearing the material for myself.