Woohoo! Wacken, here we fucking come!


May 15, 2004
Tomorrow morning, me and 15 others are on the road, on our way to Wacken Open Air, the best fucking festival in the world. :rock:
Cheap german beer, great music, and a whole lot of fucking mud(It´s gonna rain from wednesday to sunday)!

Who else is going?

Wacken really rules but I can't go there this year :cry:

I was at Rock Am Ring and that was a massive festival with Slayer, Iron Maiden, Helmet, Apocalyptica, Soulwax, Mötley Crüe, In Flames and so many more. :rock:

How come there are virtually no festivals like the European ones in the US? I've always wondered but as a European I'm not really complaining about it. :grin:

Anyway, have fun at Wacken. I'm sure you will. :rock:
Back from WOA.
Saw some really cool concerts with Candlemass 6 out of 6, Mercenary 6/6, Illdisposed 5/6, Within Temptation 3/6 (I´ll explain the 3/6 further down), Suffocation 4/6, Bloodbath 4/6, Samael 7/6, Accept 4/6 + some I´ve probably forgotten...

At Within Temptation, I had a girl sitting on my shoulders, but my back couldn´t handle it, and I sprained the Iscias (or however it is spelled?)! Fucking hell, that stuff hurts!!! :cry:
So I had to spend 5 hours at the local hospital, which is why I almost didn´t see any bands all saturday. I had to sign myself out of the hospital in order to get back to see Accept, only to get cramps in both legs just 4 songs into the set! Damn!!!!!!!

Yesterday, I had to drive our bus home, the others were too pissed. 6 hours behind the wheel with a fucked up back, is something I hope you never experience!

Apart from this crap, it was business as usual, great music, great people from all over the world (talked to people from most of the world, I especially remember the 3 old guys from Yorkshire - they were so funny and cool!)

See you next year!

I was in Wacken last year, it kicked fucking ass. This year I didn´t find almost any band worth seeing, so I skipped...
Miltbrand said:
Back from WOA.
Saw some really cool concerts with Candlemass 6 out of 6, Mercenary 6/6, Illdisposed 5/6, Within Temptation 3/6 (I´ll explain the 3/6 further down), Suffocation 4/6, Bloodbath 4/6, Samael 7/6, Accept 4/6 + some I´ve probably forgotten...

At Within Temptation, I had a girl sitting on my shoulders, but my back couldn´t handle it, and I sprained the Iscias (or however it is spelled?)! Fucking hell, that stuff hurts!!! :cry:
So I had to spend 5 hours at the local hospital, which is why I almost didn´t see any bands all saturday. I had to sign myself out of the hospital in order to get back to see Accept, only to get cramps in both legs just 4 songs into the set! Damn!!!!!!!

Yesterday, I had to drive our bus home, the others were too pissed. 6 hours behind the wheel with a fucked up back, is something I hope you never experience!

Apart from this crap, it was business as usual, great music, great people from all over the world (talked to people from most of the world, I especially remember the 3 old guys from Yorkshire - they were so funny and cool!)

See you next year!


Wasn't Stratovarius supposed to make an appearance this year?