Word on the new album from Sonisphere's site!


Aug 15, 2002
Word on the new Anthrax album

Saturday, August 1, 2009

The question on everybody’s lips when it comes to Anthrax is what the hell is going to happen with the new album? Due out next month, the entire album was recorded with Dan Nelson, who is now no longer a part of the Anthrax annexe. So what happens now?
“We seriously don’t know,” a very, very close source to Anthrax tells Team Sonisphere. Is John Bush rejoining the band full time?
“We don’t know. The album is finished. If he does, maybe we’ll go back into the studio and re-record the album with Jon. Who knows?”
Probably you guys, but we appreciate the access. Thanks Anthrax.
I personally think it's someone IN the band who didn't wanna be quoted. Would the roadcrew be in the studio? Because it says "hopefully WE'LL go back into the studio."