World Under Blood

James Murphy

Mar 26, 2002
alright... i just finished a mix for Deron Miller of cKy's heavier side project, World Under Blood... and as much as i HATE what myspace's player does to mixes it is my only option for letting those interested hear it..

it is the first song that automatically plays on both my production myspace and the band's official mypace. "God Among The Waste"

i know this is the "rate my mix/tone thread" home, but i'm not putting this up for suggestions... it's a done deal... final mix. like it or lump it. :heh:

just thought some of you might be interested to hear it.
Sounds as good as a Flash player is going to sound, but it's a shame that Myspace always takes out the cowbell - when's the proper release?

From :

"You could communicate its 5150 attitude please."

"Yes, and while we pretend to be European, the images would be beautiful."

Yay for not actually learning languages! Go Internet!

Anyway... yeah, if you feel like sharing... between this and the samples Sneap promised, we'll all have plenty to do over spring break.

From :

"You could communicate its 5150 attitude please."

"Yes, and while we pretend to be European, the images would be beautiful."

My German is shit... It was supposed to be "please communicate your 5150 adjustments" - I don't know how to say "post" or "settings" auf Deutsche. :(

I can safely say that I didn't use a translator, though. :lol:
Year of French in high school, so many words look just like their counterparts in English that it's no problem to get that stuff going. Plus, Babel Fish isn't perfect - 'lovely' would be a better word in that context than 'beautiful' and I'd think that 'pictures' would be implied, instead of 'images', but at least we aren't pretending to be Swedish.

well it was a 6505+ and a framus cobra.... so for the peavey it was about 7 on the gain 6 or 7 on the bass, 2-ish on the mids... can't remember the highs (i've changed it since then to do some re-amping for someone else), res. and pres. were both around 7... no tube screamer. the cobra,which the settings have totally een changed on now, was very key in this gutiar sound.