lizard Member Jun 5, 2002 23,325 31 48 Hotel Hitler ~ Where We Have Ways of Making You En Aug 11, 2003 #1
deadair Overly-Cryptic Jake Aug 14, 2002 7,928 2 38 46 the place of next Hamiltons Aug 11, 2003 #3 i don't like this
xfer I JERK OFF TO ARCTOPUS Nov 8, 2001 25,932 13 38 47 New York City Aug 11, 2003 #5 "make some money with it one day" is a genteel way of saying "you will become a porn star".
screwdriverqueen human plant/container. Nov 3, 2002 358 1 18 45 Boston Aug 12, 2003 #6 haha, i was thinking exactly what xferx just posted. on the other hand, i'm absolutely speechless that an ice cream cone is called an "ice cream cornet" in other parts of the world. i am going to call all cones (both ice cream and the orange construction cones/cornets on the steet) cornets from now on. also, i've been told by a certain person that i say the word "cone" funny. this'll show him.
haha, i was thinking exactly what xferx just posted. on the other hand, i'm absolutely speechless that an ice cream cone is called an "ice cream cornet" in other parts of the world. i am going to call all cones (both ice cream and the orange construction cones/cornets on the steet) cornets from now on. also, i've been told by a certain person that i say the word "cone" funny. this'll show him.
xfer I JERK OFF TO ARCTOPUS Nov 8, 2001 25,932 13 38 47 New York City Aug 12, 2003 #7 if you order a cornet from me, i'll crown you with it.
screwdriverqueen human plant/container. Nov 3, 2002 358 1 18 45 Boston Aug 12, 2003 #8 hahaha! also, i discovered a little trick: if you squint your eyes when you read the word, "cornet," it looks like it says "comet!" (only in lower-case letters though.) see, try it. cornet cornet cornet boy, i am so smart.
hahaha! also, i discovered a little trick: if you squint your eyes when you read the word, "cornet," it looks like it says "comet!" (only in lower-case letters though.) see, try it. cornet cornet cornet boy, i am so smart.
screwdriverqueen human plant/container. Nov 3, 2002 358 1 18 45 Boston Aug 13, 2003 #9 ps - maybe there is a mistake somewhere? this woman's tongue seems much longer.