WORMFOOD mp3 Preview posted online

The forum is calm :(
But the album is great. I didn't listen to "jeux d'enfants" because of laziness (didn't want to reinstall p2p programs :)), so it's an even better surprise.

Langoustator said:
(didn't want to reinstall p2p programs :))

Thanks to you ! Hey, kids, don't forget :


Elwrm said:
Thanks to you ! Hey, kids, don't forget :



I can't agree totally with your statement, because downloading helped me to find new stuff, but it has not prevented me from buying CDs, maybe cause i'm not exactly a kid anymore, so i would say:
Download but don't forget to buy if you like. ;)
Oh, I was just kidding ;) ... I didn't wan't to launch another passionate debate about piracy.

According to me, P2P is great for discovering new stuff, if you buy the albums you enjoyed in mp3 (what I do, personnaly), and it's too an useful promo tool when you're self-produced.

On the other hand, I see many signed bands having excellent reviews in the medias, being famous, and -strangely- selling very few albums, because of mass downloading... And if you don't sell enough cds, how to tour in good conditions ? How to record a new album with a solid production, distribution, promotion, and a good packaging ? So, well, I'm sincerely afraid of piracy...
Elwrm said:
Oh, I was just kidding ;) ... I didn't wan't to launch another passionate debate about piracy.

Thank God! :p

Elwrm said:
On the other hand, I see many signed bands having excellent reviews in the medias, being famous, and -strangely- selling very few albums, because of mass downloading... And if you don't sell enough cds, how to tour in good conditions ? How to record a new album with a solid production, distribution, promotion, and a good packaging ? So, well, I'm sincerely afraid of piracy...

Speaking of reviews, did you all get your album sent out to an UltimateMetal contact? If so, great! If not, I'd love to review it! ;)