Worship Music - Guitar World's preview of some new tunes

Sounds good, but then again what are they going to say it sounded horrible? Can't really take what these people say to heart. But still sounds good to me, looking forward to hearing Joey prove everyone wrong, including his own band members!
Seems like it might be an enjoyable album, despite my earlier misgivings. :) Might be the best offering from the so-called Big 4, all things considered... but of course, wish we could take a sneak peek to these two "fast songs" as they put it. Thrash on, my friends!
Now here's hoping nothing bad happens like last time we had a release date and reviewers listening and reviewing. :lol:

I have been thinking the same thing. The last time, it broke down four months prior to the given release date...
The article says pretty much nothing. Like IMFan says, they're not going to say anything bad, so all it is is an article saying how great the album is, but without doing it in any detail.
However, I'm expecting the album to seriously kick ass, so maybe there's nothing bad to be said about it!
Looking forward to hearing this. After everything this band's been through, should be interesting.