Worst album covers?


Ive been in charge of the artwork this time, and its the shittest we've ever done
Strangelight said:
Ive been in charge of the artwork this time, and its the shittest we've ever done
as long as travis smith hasn't been in charge, everything will be alright

this new "pushead" for superemotional bands is getting on my fucking nerves
Don Corleone said:
i used to like him
but to be frank, i got tired of seeing dead trees and crying women, myself
I really liked the artwork for katatonia's tonight's decision back then, his style had something distinct, but afterwards it's mostly the same with different colour schemes
these were all posted before but i still think this one is the biz:


who the fuck wears that get up to visit a grave?? :worship: looks like hes giving the faithful departed the red card too

didnt some uk hardcore band release something called "all our friends are dead"??
I dont get it, most of the covers there are deadly, even the crap ones are better than most cds covers out now. They've even put the frazetta cover that molly hatchet used on there, I used to have that lp, its a great cover :erk:
From the covers, I'd like to own most of those albums just out of curiosity


here dunc remember that 1960s witchcraft ritual lp we saw in london?? :tickled:
I think thats worth money oddly enough
