Worst Idea in Music History


A Dead Sun Serenity
Aug 24, 2002
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What's the worst idea in music history? For example, KISS coffins or boy bands or the macarena or Load and Reload or RIAA or American Idol.
Youthanasia, Load, Dead Heart, Blackwater Park, Iced Earth desecrating covers of iron maiden :yuk: , Anything iron maiden has released in the last five to eight years, Anything after Incubus' Science (gaddamn good cd that one), Bitter Suites to Succubi (it was an insult), in fact, Dani Filth full stop is a bad idea. The interzone mantra's, Faith no more breaking up, and mike patton starting five squazillion... no... five MILLION stupid bands like tomohawk. The drummer from alchemist shaving his mis-shapen head, the second slipknot album (the S/T one) when they got the hiphop dude, there's a few good tracks like Purity, but goddamn "sinceyounevergiveadamninthefirstplacemaybeit'stimeyouhadthetablesturned,cozintheintrestsofallinvolvedigottheproblemsolvedandtheverdictisguilty" bullshit. I liked the band, and i don't mind the album, but rap and metal don't mix. Limp Bizkit, Boybands, God Hates us All, ScreamBloodyGore :lol: , Gateways to annihilation :yawn:, Tucker leaving morbid angel, the dumb fuck, he had the most awesome throat in the world! Blastbeats, Blackmetal, Blackmetal Posers, Corpse-Paint, That dress that shagrath wears, goddamn, Dimmu are awesome, but that dress is all bad. Brutal Death metal, Powermetal bands fronted by geeky teens that whine about 'silver blades and dungeons and dragons', the day that Cynic broke up, and the day the Floridian New Technical Death Wave died down :cry:, Chuck Schuldiner's death, that was a cruel cruel thing to do to such a great man, Devin Townsend losing his hair,. Lars Ulrich. Kiss, The idea that Jimmy page can actually play the guitar, fucking hell i hate him and his sloppy "Eh, it doesn't matter if i hit four notes instead of one, it's live, no-one cares!" attitude. Madonna's blonde hair, she looks good with black hair, the goth look was ALL good for her, but now she's a skank, an OLD skank, with bad teeth. Trent Rezanor and his homosexual "I got nailed in the ass by a nine inch" so-called "Music". Marlyn Manson releasing machanical animals, Lars Ulrich, Mikael Akerfeldt's moustache...
I think Trapped hit everything, cept I disagree about maiden and dead heart