Would it be cool to have metal bands hawking your favorite products?


Apr 18, 2004
Coral Springs, FL
I was watching that really creepy "Wake up with the King" ad from Burger King, which made me think of Wake Up the King the Edguy song. Which in turn got me thinking about pop star product endorsements.

Would it freak you out to see Edguy or some other much loved metal band in a commercial?

And what might an ad campaign centered around a metal band look like?

Kai Hansen screaming at you to "Obey Your Thirst?"

Timo Kotipelto seriously talking to the screen, telling you that when he dials 1-800-COLLECT, it saves his family in Finland a buck or two?

Dragonforce running wildly around the stage in their comfortable Nike sneakers?
Evergrey doing the spots for the State Troopers

Tom: "Drink responsibly. Friends don't let friends drive drunk."



Oh, and I wanna see Andy Franck plugging Preparation H. "Your asses are mine!"

And Maria can do adds for Chaser! "You'll need this after Bryant gets ahold of you!"

Devin Townsend for Ritalin? *snicker*

Hansi Kursch for World Of Warcraft. "It's all about the Elves, baby!"

Jon Oliva for Jack Daniels.

Nope, no joke here. The man should be endorsed by Jack Daniels. He sweats distilled whiskey. He breathes moonshine. He pisses Old Crow.

"In the Hall.... of The Whiskey King! AAAA*burp*AAAH!"
Rusty Cooley playing a really shredding riff, and then saying"FED EX when has to be there overnight".

NIGHTWISH, saying "Most of you people outside the metal world don't know me, but as a singer in a great metal band, and traveling all over the world, we sometimes need that little extra cash for say vodka and beer, so we use the AMERICAN EXPRESS card.

LANCE KING doing one for Hertz Car Rental.

And the list just goes on ond on.
The background singers for Therion doing commercials for Sure-- Raise your horns if you're Sure.

Ronnie James Dio for the Garden Weasel. He needs something to protect himself from the crazy garden gnomes.

Claus / Intromental said:
Well - at least there's the funny advert with Jorn Lande and the metal-dude in the pink dress "working out" .... :)

Wasn't that Cooprix cereal or whatever? I still chuckle whne I watch that.....
