would it be okay for me to give the cat a bath?


Aug 2, 2002
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or is that wicked bad for cats? she's 15 and she STINKS and i know it's cuz she's old and senile and can't take care of herself.

advice plz. thx.
well, she's declawed. i think me and the roommate could hold her down. after all, we once had to give her medicine 3 times a day that tasted like acid and had to be pushed down her throat with a syringe.... if it won't make her sick i think i have to bathe her. she's nasty. our apartment is HUGE. nick can testify to this. and magic is a small small cat. but literally, when you come home at night, the ENTIRE apartment smells like a mixture of heinous bad breath, cat crap, sewage, and barf. throughout the whole fuckin joint. the only time the smell goes away is if we lock the cat in the roommate's room and never let her out :(
bathing a cat is fine,tehy even have special cat shampoos. just get her as dry as possible afterwards with a towel and she will take care of the rest.

I think the easiest way is to run the shower and have one person holdher and the other shampoo and rinse her in the tub.
oh okay that sounds cool. i just left my roommate a message that said it's kitty exile or a bath. i called the vet and the vet said it was perfectly fine and we could use any of the human shampoos we had, but i still sort of wish we had kitty shampoo. anyway, this ought to be an experience.
My mom's cat waits by the sink for someone to come in. Then, he will meow at them until they turn it on. He will get a drink by letting himself get drenched and licking the moisture off.