Would need some help here...:)

I expect Steve to respond here soon enough! I would definitely go for one of the boards he has. I believe he used a Korg Trinity in the past? I could be mistaken, but either way, Trinities are pretty cool, and shouldn't be too expensive these days, especially if you get one used.

According to the website, Steve currently uses a Korg Triton Extreme (awesome board!), Korg Triton Pro, and a Nord Lead 3, as well as the famed Roland AX-7 keytar.

I highly recommend all of those. Korg is the way to go if you want awesome synths, in my opinion! However, those are all pretty high-end pieces of equipment, so maybe you'd be better off getting a low level Yamaha. Kurzweil is amazing if you want piano, but I don't recommend Casio for anything at all unless you really don't care about the sound and just want something to play on. Just my opinion, as I'm a keyboardist as well.
Hey! Beaten to the punch eh? hahaha!

Firstly Gibbon....welcome to the forum and great to hear that you are thinking of taking up keyboards and that you are a PQ fan! Awesome on both fronts dude!

1928......yeah, you've covered a lot of the issues there already...nice one! :)

Definitely from a starting point....you don't really want to spending big bucks in case you decide that you don't get on with the instrument. Having said that, Rome wasn't built in a day and perseverence is the key without doubt.

I'm sure you can pick up a second hand Korg Trinity or even an X5 (both of which I used to use). Both are pre-set with some cool strings and choir type sounds which is great and some pretty passable piano sounds too.

In terms of sounds, some PQ sounds are standard "out of the box" pre-sets but others are severely edited from what they originally sounded like :)

In a nut shell, don't spend too much to begin with until you are sure it is the instrument for you!
Out of curiosity, Steve, were a lot of the sounds you used on Neverworld/MND edited or entirely preset? Specifically that 80s wave sound in Hold On To Love and Edge of Time :lol:
Ah....the Van Halen-esque sound? There are now I think four slightly different versions of that sound, including a version on the new album. They were all originally based around "Jump" style patch I downloaded years ago.

A lot of the sounds on those two records are layered as well.......using a lot of Clive Nolans keyboards at Thin Ice studios in combination with the Triton Pro/Trinity boards back then
Cheers, Steve! :D

I'd recommend a Yamaha. They're not that shabby, I don't think. But really, when you get a cheaper keyboard, don't be too worried about what brand you get (though I do think you should avoid Casio no matter what :lol:). I would say Yamaha isn't a bad way to go though, especially at the start. Korg is a little high-end after all.
Always happy to help out dude! That's one of the great things about the community here on the PQ forum that has built up over the years......everyone is happy to help each other out with that kind of stuff!

Hope you manage to pick up something.......you can always upgrade to something bigger and better later on, after all that's how we all start off! Good luck!

Absolutely man......thanks for the birthday wishes too!
Don't mind me, I just really have a disdain for Casio's sounds. I think they're just really bad in comparison with Kurzweil, Yamaha, Roland, Korg, etc. :p