Would Refuse to be Denied be the next single if ....


Dec 16, 2002
it wasn't penned about themes such as freedom / patriotism .... basically stuff resulting from Sept. 11???

To me its an obvious candidate for a single - 3 minutes 30 ish, heavy, melodic, ballsy ... the list goes on.

I just wonder if its not being considered cause of its lyrics being related to 9-11.

Your thoughts ??
i think the original idea of doing that song as a tribute was great,probably wouldnt go over as a single too good,i thinkanthrax having a second single is a complete waste of time,tell the record company to spend it on marketing etc!
Yeah true, but isn't the idea of having singles to get them played on radio which IS marketing.

Safe Home the single is the only track off the record which has had any regular airplay