Would you like to mix Mo. Chang? (For free)


Nov 27, 2008
Leicester/Newcastle Upon Tyne
Hello there!

We are Mortimer Chang, a transcontinental collaboration between an Englishman and an American.

We are looking for someone to aid us in our very own mixing adventure! We've decided that mixing our own stuff is far too much work and as a result would like to outsource this task! If you're interested just leave a comment below or get in touch with us via email on here.


H Dawg (Mo. Chang)

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Can't offer my mixing services as the song you got there seems to be mixed better than anything I can do...plus I'm rather crap, but I just wanted to say I'm really digging the song! you guys got a myspace or anything?
I think the vocals could do with being lowered a little bit...literally the tiniest amount. Like I said though I'm crap at mixing so my advice isn't worth much but theres my input anyways.

Keep on rockin' anyway dudes, would love to hear more stuff from you guys.