Would you travel to see your favourite producer/recording studio?

Nitronium Blood

Dec 28, 2001
Marchin' up and down the scqaiya.
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1) Suppose you were granted a day's pass be at your recording studio of choice/meet with your producer of choice, would you purchase an Airplane ticket and travel all the way to do so?

2) How many of you have actually met with your favourite producer/visited a recording studio of your admiration? (besides Razorjack who can just pop into Backstage Studios anytime and go "Pip pip Andy ol' jolly chap, I am here with pudding" to which Andy might reply "Good show ol' boy, good show!")

Incase you were wondering:

-Aside from Andy Sneap I am also gay for Fredrik Nordstrom.

-Needless to say that my favourite recording studios are Studio Fredman and Backstage Studios.

-I live in Perth, Australia. So the distance to Sweden or the UK is quite a bit.
Maybe some day you'll be the australian Frederik Sneap and poeple will travel across the oceans to meet you and vistit your Backman Studio....

...Or maybe not...

Sure it must be cool to meet these guys...
I would gladly do so, but I sure hope I get such a chance when I would be actually able to afford a plane ticket.
'twould be nice. But then, I suspect that looking at all that expensive equipment and awesome skillZ-at-work would dishearten me in my amateur home recording endeavor somehow (excuse the pun) :D
there is nothing like watching a real pro work. im sure anyone would probably pick up some skills/tricks in the process. but just a kick ass studio without a real pro would just kinda be like going to a super pro audio store. i mean dont get me wrong it is sweet to go to super nice studios, but i would only pay to go see someone whom i am interested in how they work and why they do what they do. i think that is worth way more than any plane ticket.
Well, I did say

looking at all that expensive equipment and awesome skillZ-at-work


you see, when I see someone talented and skilled doing their work, it sometimes makes me feel like a loser (which I am, compared to them) because I'll never attain a comparable level of expertise (which I probably won't). That's just the way I am... I wish I had more determination.
Canis said:
Well, I did say


you see, when I see someone talented and skilled doing their work, it sometimes makes me feel like a loser (which I am, compared to them) because I'll never attain a comparable level of expertise (which I probably won't). That's just the way I am... I wish I had more determination.

you should give yourself a swift kick in the ass! why be so down on yourself. just get out there and do it. and yeah the thing about audio engineering is everybody sucks for a while. when you are just beginning you either dont have enough work(bands to record, not necissarily for money) or the bands you do get have been together for a whopping 5 and a half months and are the furthest thing from tight. no matter what you do as an engineer in any studio will matter if the songs arent good and not even played tight by people playing below average or average instruments. alot goes against you when starting out all these things are essential though because along the way you start making bands actually sound better than they are :headbang: and then you just start finding your own style and who knows maybe some of the people with "expertise" might be sweating your work. just have fun man. if you are having fun then you will progress. if you arent having fun then find something else to do where you will.
yeah I guess you're right... I do have fun, that's for sure, it's just that when I compare something I've done with something someone else has done, my stuff comes out rather nasty. For instance, suppose I listen - to a recording I've done - a couple of times. I say "well, it's not that bad", but when I hear a clip (or something) on the 'net which someone else has done, it's usually way better.

It's not like I want to become an engineer, the sole reason I'm recording is because it's fun and because I like to make music alone. I'm sort of egoistic when it comes to that, don't ya know. But I'd like my music to sound at least decent, as in "debut album worthy" or something.

Uhh, yeah... I hope you get my point.
I would definitely enjoy to be able to do so, but Im only 14 and I doubt my parents would send me across the ocean to do something for one day:p we can always hope though:)