would you vote for lieberman in '04?


Nov 8, 2001
New York City
he's mulling a bid now that gore's out.

* he's a genuinely moral guy
* he's jewish
* slightly more liberal than the ashcrofts of the world
* he's not bush

* he's a censoring monster
* he's hugely pro-business
* despite being more liberal than the ashcrofts, he's conservative as fuck
* very, very political/partisan!

i just don't think i could bring myself to vote for someone who's anti-free-expression.
being jewish is good as a statement of progressiveness in this country. remember, it was a big deal when JFK was elected b/c he was catholic. get a jew in office, next thing you know you could even have a women or a person of color!
I don't know about Israeli hawk, but the U.S. definitely needs a strongly pro-Israel president in place if Israel is going to have any future beyond fiery annihilation...

It's pro for a variety of reasons...mainly, I think a non-WASP president would bring a different perspective to the table of domestic AND international politics. maybe having a president who doesn't celebrate christmas will help shake the prison of "all american leaders must be white christian 6-foot plus non-bald men without facial hair and wives and children".
coming from the o-so-progressive NE and a nice suburb town 1/3 jewish, i guess i never notice how a lot of people in this country still have jewish hangups.
Ah, villains are going to get their terror on anyway, and there's no way that the fact that some people hate Jews should affect our presidential election. That's like saying we shouldn't elect black politicians because the Klan would be pissed off. If Americans are too afraid of being killed to elect anyone except a WASP, well, they fucking deserve whatever they get for not believing in their ideals.
and, come to think of it, lieberman's conservatism makes him an excellent (quasi-)minority candidate...the first black President, the first woman, etc. are all going to swing very rightward in order to counter their group's innate perceived liberality and swing the moderate voters. like thatcher in Britain...