Would you vote for this man?


Nov 8, 2001
New York City

GREAT FALLS, Montana (AP) -- Montana's Libertarian candidate for Senate has turned blue from drinking a silver solution that he believed would protect him from disease.

Stan Jones,a 63-year-old business consultant and part-time college instructor, said he started taking colloidal silver in 1999 for fear that Y2K disruptions might lead to a shortage of antibiotics.

He made his own concoction by electrically charging a couple of silver wires in a glass of water.

His skin began turning blue-gray a year ago.

"People ask me if it's permanent and if I'm dead," he said. "I tell them I'm practicing for Halloween."

He does not take the supplement any longer, but the skin condition, called argyria, is permanent. The condition is generally not serious.

Colloidal silver dietary supplements are marketed widely as an anti-bacterial agent or immune-system booster, but some consider it quackery.

Jones is one of three candidates seeking to unseat Democratic Sen. Max Baucus in November. The others are Republican state Sen. Mike Taylor and Green Party candidate Bob Kelleher.
I would vote for Noam Chomsky only if he was required to write more genius linguistic texts and absolutely forbidden from expressing his opposite-of-genius politics.

I might vote for this guy:

sheerly for the laffs.
i think that probably noam chomsky's lectures on power were the best political writing i have ever read to be honest. at least he uses primary sources.
I think Chomsky took a downturn in the past few years--I don't know if it's the paint chips or what, but I think he's probably just getting really bitter in his old age and it's harming his objectivity. One of the funniest political things I've read is the back-and-forth between Chris Hitchens and Chomsky in the wake of 9/11. Hitchens completely hammers Chomsky, who fucks up facts and makes contradictory statements, and the exchange ends with Chomsky getting all offended (at being beaten!) and refusing to respond, so Hitchens takes a victory lap, points out some more stupidities, and retires.

Actually, I bet part of it is that Chomsky does really good metaphysical and abstract stuff, but is really poor at applying it to the world, which is why his politics (which are worldly) don't contain the brilliance of his meditations (which aren't).

I would vote for this man:

and he would make for some amazing Presidential debates. I just want to see him kick Bush's ass.
I would vote for Noam Chomsky only if he was required to write more genius linguistic texts and absolutely forbidden from expressing his opposite-of-genius politics.

YES. where would modern syntax be without Chomsky? nowhere, that's where.