Wow 3 members leave DREAMSCAPE!


Jul 18, 2002
German progressive metallers DREAMSCAPE have parted ways with Roland Stoll (vocals), Benno Schmidtler (bass) and Jan Vacik (keyboards). "We do point out, that we disband in agreement, with the greatest respect to each other and in deep friendship," the band writes on its web site. "We have experienced a lot together, had a fantastic time, gave a lot of awesome shows and produced fantastic albums. Most of it was only possible because of you, our fans, so thank you so much for all your support! Roland, Benno and Jan will leave DREAMSCAPE because of private affairs. They will reach out for different interests and projects, but a part of them will always be with DREAMSCAPE. Wolfgang Kerinnis (guitar) and Michael Schwager (drums) will continue DREAMSCAPE with a new lineup und for sure with the best prog metal you can get. Detailed info about the new lineup will follow as soon as possible."

Souce blabbermouth, and official Dreamscape site.
I can't imagine Dreamscape without Benno and Jan. Roland made such a great addition to the band as well! I now consider myself that much more fortunate for seeing them twice when I had the chance. I hope this turns out to be something like an Angra/Shaman deal, where we end up getting two kick-ass bands out of it.

Stay metal. Never rust.
What a shame. I was really hoping to see Dreamscape step up into a higher slot in the next few yrs, but tough to sustain momentum with all the lineup changes.

Would love to know the fate of the new album...
This is quite surprising considering that the last I heard they were recording a new album (which I was really looking forward to)! They kicked ass at multiple ProgPowers and now Jan, Roland and Benno leave!?! If it makes them feel better/it works out better for them, then I support them. Being that I know what it's like to be in a band that you no longer want to be in, especially when you have good friends and even a best friend in the band. It's tough but, sometimes you have to leave to make things better for yourself and/or the band.
...and the moral of this story is:

enjoy your favorite bands in the now, because it's a safe bet things won't remain the same with them. It seems that lineup changes are a guarantee.

Although Wolfgang is the heart and soul of Dreamscape, I just can't see rebuilding the whole band with all new members other than Wolfgang and calling it Dreamscape and having it be accepted as Dreamscape.
Really? I guess I don't follow those bands closely enough to know about all the lineup changes. I know that Megadeth has had a few guitarists(Friedman, Patrelli) and Iced Earth has had a few vocalists, but I didn't know the rhythm sections were turning over as well.