Wow, I am listening to a contender for 2004 status right NOW!!!

Papa Josh

Minister of Propaganda
Just got the latest PUNGENT STENCH cd "Ampeauty"....


I enjoyed their last album a lot, but this is so much more. This one definitely crept in at the end of the year and has officially crashed and trainwrecked my 2004 list.

Are there anymore releases that are coming out in the last 60 days of 2004??

Ooops let me answer my own question, and to Ali, I must now say that my list will not be ready by the second week of December.

For one reason, and two words: JUDAS PRIEST.
Really? December 12th?

OK well, I still expect that everyone will have 90% of their top 10 lists ready by mid-December. :p

For those who already know they're not interested in the new JP, this delay does not apply. :)
By the way, if the new Judas Priest is coming out in less than 2 weeks, wouldn't the MP3s have been leaked by now? Have they? Anyone heard ANYTHING? IS THIS PAINKILLER PART2????! ENQUIRING MINDS WANT TO KNOW!!!!!!!