Wow... This just gets better and better...

Keyser Soze

Anti-Social Socialist
May 28, 2002
at work....

August 21, 2005

Iron Maiden were chosen for the Ozzfest tour because the Ozzfest committee felt they were a good band, plus the fact that they had not done shows in the U.S. for some time. From day one, Bruce Dickinson started berating Ozzy and belittling the Ozzfest audience. He stated he"didn’t need a reality show to give him credibility"; "we're not just some f*cking reunion band"; and continuously complained about the sound system, saying that when he comes back to America he’ll have a better one. I understand he hasn’t toured in the these size venues in a while and no longer understands the political structure of things. Out of 200-plus bands over the last 10 years, he has been the only person who hasn’t had the Ozzfest spirit. He thought he was at a battle of the bands, always making other comments about the other artists.

Might I say, the rest of the band are gentlemen and have a great professional attitude. The crew are absolutely great. But how sad it was, after 10 years, that this little man tried to ruin it for everyone. The bands of Ozzfest don’t even look at Ozzfest as touring, but as its heavy metal summer camp. Bruce is in fact a jealous prick and very envious. None of his tirades were directed at Sabbath, only Ozzy. Steve Harris [Iron Maiden's bassist] personally came to Ozzy in San Bernardino and apologized for Bruce’s behavior this summer, stating that he and the rest of the band were "embarrassed" by their own singer.
It also offended me every night how he took out the English flag in America. There are American boys going to war alongside the English boys every day. How dare he forget the American troops on their home turf. He has had no respect for the American audience he has been playing for, stating in an interview, "When you do the 'hits' tour here [in the U.S.], the audience is smug, and there's a sense of self-satisfaction, like, 'We got what we wanted…I'm looking at an audience that is self-satisfied and happy and fat, and getting what it wants and isn't prepared to get off its ass.."

Before there was Samson there was SABBATH!

Ozzfest 2005 continues on with our summer of fun with the addition of Velvet Revolver. This is where the fun begins…..
I see her fat ass daughter Kelly all the time at the Dragonfly in LA. Jack somtimes will be there. I might get my ass kicked but trust me when I see her next I am going to go off on her. Might even throw something at her. I don't give a fuck. She was one of the people throwing eggs on stage during Maiden.

You think she is a fat bitch on TV you should see her in person! I will slap the fat right off her face. I hope to run into her mom too, I might get sued, or beaten up I don't give a fuck.
There is a post on Blabbermouth, apparently credited to the manager of some major band. It is rumored that Bury Your Dead was involved in the egg incident. I've sent an email to the band and now there is a post on their site saying that neither they (Bury Your Dead), nor Ozzfest was involved in the incident... OY! Pathetic...
ironmaidenfan09 said:
I see her fat ass daughter Kelly all the time at the Dragonfly in LA. Jack somtimes will be there. I might get my ass kicked but trust me when I see her next I am going to go off on her. Might even throw something at her. I don't give a fuck. She was one of the people throwing eggs on stage during Maiden.

You think she is a fat bitch on TV you should see her in person! I will slap the fat right off her face. I hope to run into her mom too, I might get sued, or beaten up I don't give a fuck.

Boy, you are just an angry, angry person aren't you? You might consider the fact that there may be people on this board that are the same stature as Kelly Osbourne, and may take great offence to your comment.

As far as what Keyser initially posted for us, it could in fact be true what Bruce was quoted as saying. The only people that know for sure would be Bruce, and the people that were in the immediate vicinity of him when he said it. I am not defending either party here, and there is probably some truth on both sides of the matter. I am a fan of Maiden, and I am a fan of Ozzy. It's just unfortunate that they can't play nice together.
I support MAIDEN and BRUCE...Ozzy just did like three or four good albums with SABBATH of course and the ones by his own sucks too much for me.

...And showing disrespect for MAIDEN that's just because the fucking Osbournes are so jealous because their festival belonged to MAIDEN every night they played and Black Sabbath now it's just so ridiculous that can't play well their own easy stuff...

Now that IRON MAIDEN have left the festival, THE HAUNTED has to do the same, i just hope they will not be influenced by all the gay bands surrounding them
Lord of Delusions said:
Boy, you are just an angry, angry person aren't you? You might consider the fact that there may be people on this board that are the same stature as Kelly Osbourne, and may take great offence to your comment.

As far as what Keyser initially posted for us, it could in fact be true what Bruce was quoted as saying. The only people that know for sure would be Bruce, and the people that were in the immediate vicinity of him when he said it. I am not defending either party here, and there is probably some truth on both sides of the matter. I am a fan of Maiden, and I am a fan of Ozzy. It's just unfortunate that they can't play nice together.

First off yes I am a VERY VERY Angry person after what happened Saturday Night. I am sorry but Iron Maiden is my favorite band in history of music and if someone fucks with them like this I don't take it lightly

NOBODY could every be the 'same stature' as Kelly Ossbourn. I don't think anyone on this board threw fucking eggs at Iron Maiden do you? How dare you even insinuate you are sticking up for Ozzy and Sharon on this subject.

Somethign tells me you weren't at the show. I was 5 rows back CENTER orchestra, witnessed the entire thing with my own eyes.

Sorry if I offend anyone I am really fucking pissed off

Here is a photo of Steve with Egg on his arm that was thrown from people in the ossfest, bury your dead, and bls camp


Here is Janik with crap thrown at him

Kids, no fighting eh?
I'm angry about what happened. Not only am I angry at the disrespect shown to Maiden, I am angry at the disrespect shown to me and all the other concert goers. Fortunately, Maiden has taken the high road with a very classy statement on their official site. We should do that same and not come down to their level by making physical threats.

I have spoken, now I'm off to put more lotion on my sunburns... OOOOOOWWWWWW!!!!
By stature, I meant size/shape, not personality/attitude. And no, I didn't go to the show. I don't care who's playing, I'm not standing around in the summer heat with thousands of other people. More to the point, I don't do crowds, large or small. You wouldn't believe what it took for me to go see the Maidens when they came here a couple years ago...

I understand you are angry and you are blowing off steam, that's your right. I've done it as well. Just consider your words before you spill your guts!
Keyser Soze said:
Kids, no fighting eh?
I'm angry about what happened. Not only am I angry at the disrespect shown to Maiden, I am angry at the disrespect shown to me and all the other concert goers. Fortunately, Maiden has taken the high road with a very classy statement on their official site. We should do that same and not come down to their level by making physical threats.

Wow this is terrible that this happened and not just towards Iron Maiden, but also to the fans. With the price of concert tickets these days, fans deserve to get their money's worth. I bet there were alot of people there just to see Iron Maiden and they got royally ripped off if the concert was ruined because of sabotage and the PA cutting out etc. The fans should go after this in a legal manner and try to get refunds.
ironmaidenfan09 said:
First off yes I am a VERY VERY Angry person after what happened Saturday Night. I am sorry but Iron Maiden is my favorite band in history of music and if someone fucks with them like this I don't take it lightly

NOBODY could every be the 'same stature' as Kelly Ossbourn. I don't think anyone on this board threw fucking eggs at Iron Maiden do you? How dare you even insinuate you are sticking up for Ozzy and Sharon on this subject.

Somethign tells me you weren't at the show. I was 5 rows back CENTER orchestra, witnessed the entire thing with my own eyes.

Sorry if I offend anyone I am really fucking pissed off

Here is a photo of Steve with Egg on his arm that was thrown from people in the ossfest, bury your dead, and bls camp


Here is Janik with crap thrown at him

Did not offend me, I was sitting in the orchestra in the middle up by the booth were they do the lights for the stage. What went on was total BS and Bruce himself said it was BS and being passive about Sharon's unprofessional business practices needs to check themselves. Do you actually think that throwing eggs at the band was a misunderstanding; do you actually think that the band's PA being cut off was a misunderstanding? I was out in the heat because I'm a die hard Maiden fan and was having a good time until this shit with Maiden went down. I paid good money to get my seats and wanted to see Maiden play for weeks! Sharon showed me how much she thinks about the fans. Ozzfest committee, that's a joke, if they new anything about metal they should have known that Bruce pulls out the British flag during the Trooper song and I'm an American and I should be offended, hahahahaha. I'm a Maiden fan and I'm an Ozzy fan, I don't hate Sharon (all that cancer crap people are talking about) I just think business 101 with Maiden should have happen behind the curtain. I stated this before thou; I will not ever go to another Ozzfest. I have been to six of them, but I don't think that Sharon needs my attention anymore or my hard earned money. If you want to talk about this situation with your head down and not acknowledge the facts that happen, then you need help and if you were not there, go do some fucking research before you make your comments! This is a black white situation. "ironmaidenfan09," dude you kick ass and I think you see the situation very clearly and do you have anymore of those picture from the concert?

Up the IRONS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Look at it this way.... Regaurdless of the sound quality situation, statements made what ever, Eggs being brought down to your seats is intent, or implied malice, throwing them is guilt pure and simple. Either way it's not a misunderstanding. They intended to chuck eggs at Maiden. It's not like they were sitting there and thought "humm I don't like waht they said about the show! Hey! I've got eggs in my pocket. I think I'll throw them at the band." Umm I don't think so. It was planed and it shows her total lack of respect for the fans. Little does she realise it's those tickets that make her pay check.
Kinda like bitting the hand the feeds.
I was so shocked when I heard about this. Sorry to hear the boys and your concert experience were treated so shabbily.

Shame on Sharon Osbourne. :mad: I used to think of her with respect. No longer. What a disgraceful way to handle things - treating the whole band like this because you're annoyed with one member. Those pictures broke my heart.
This is so freakin' unreal! I knew Sharon was a crazy-ass mutha sometimes, but this takes the cake! Now I realize why Lita dumped her as manager in 1990! Beeoch is bound to go off half-cocked at anytime! She never did that to Metallica when they upstaged Ozzy, did she? What about Priest last year? I have heard that this is Ozzy's last tour, as he'll fully retire this fall. I sure hope he didn't have a hand in this, I don't think he hates anyone these days. This doesn't bode well for the fest's future, maybe a Monsters of Rock-type tour with Maiden as the headliner next year? The blokes didn't deserve this crap!
Lord of Delusions said:
Knowing what I now know, I agree my previous statements were made in pure ignorance. I appologize for that. Believe me, its not the first time I've said something with my head firmly planted in my ass...

Don't worry about It, I do the same thing about every other post and probably did the same here :)
it is now on the front page of MSNBC is also running a story about a petition started by an IM bber... Also the Bury Your Dead camp has, for all intents and purposes, confirmed that Kelly was indeed involved in the incident...