Wow...Tour's almost over...


Feb 4, 2002
Past the Point of Caring
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I just checked the dates and the tour is over on Tuesday. Is it me or was that a fast few weeks? I didn't really pay much attention since I didn't have a show to go to, but it just seems so fast. Wish they would have played Roseland while I was still living in NY!!! LOL Okay that's my contribution to this post, thoughts anyone??
Yes I do, I'm stuck in Utah for the time being and the closest that this tour came to me was in Denver! That's a five hour drive for me! Nutz! I guess I'll have to check ahead of time to see if they hit Denver again. The only thing we get in Utah is bad beer, Mormons(not that bad, but not that good), and the olympics! I need to see Anthrax again sometime soon for I still have not seen them with John on the mic!
Yeah my closest show was Vegas, at least six hours away!! FUCKERS!!! J/K, don't everyone jumping my ass cause I called them fuckers. LOL Though I can rest easy because the show that I did see (even though it was six years ago) DID have Bush!! Woooooohoooooooooo!!!!!!!!!

Anyway, I didn't know that Utah had that horrible beer all the time. I went to see some family in Denver and they have 3.2 beer on Sundays. For Utah to have it all the time, that has to be the Mormons. Everyone rushes around on Saturday to make sure they won't run out before Monday.
Wow! That was a fast few weeks! Wow! I DID get to see them!
Wow! I'm really gonne rub it in to BRAT! Wow! It was damn good!
Wow! It was better than sex! Wow! I attained infinite wisdom at the show! Wow! BRAT just threw a brick at me all the way from Hell...I mean Arizona! DAMN! THAT HURT!:devil:
I miss being in Seattle for this reason. Major cities usually get the big bands coming for shows. Utah just isn't one of them! Funny though, Korn was quoted as saying that Utah was one of the first states that started giving them good crowd reactions! Nutz! What a strange world we live in!
Thats a state? *checks handy atlas* oh yeah there it is. hehe
Korn got a good response in Utah for one reason..all the repressed mormon kids. Theres a whole untapped market goin on out there. LOL
Yes, the beer here in Utah is that bad all the time! One can go to what is called State liquior stores to purchase the real percentage beer, but the problem with that is you will generally pay about $2.00 to $2.50 more a six pack because of the state tax! And you'll never guess who owns these state liquior stores? That's right, the Mormons own them! I thought they didn't drink? Lol!
I like ENGLAND.. they gave us PYTHON.
If I llived in a state w/ practically near beer for beer and no caffiene and no movies other than p g rated I too would freak the hell out and and go nuts for a band like KORN.
yes BRAT it's o.k. to call them fuckers. Just not pig fuckers. Thats where i draw the line.

Originally posted by augdawg2
The only thing we get in Utah is bad beer, Mormons(not that bad, but not that good), and the olympics! I need to see Anthrax again sometime soon

Don't worry. I hear they will be performing at the closing ceremonies. They cancelled the Mormon Tabernacle and the guuy who does the Star Wars music so Anthrax could play.:lol:
O.K. I know this guy's kidding, but that would RULE! LOL
ANTHRAX, YOURE NEW OLYMPIC HEROES! Ahh if only the world were so cool as to do that. The headline in the papaers would read " ANTHRAX RUNS RAMPAMT THROUGH OLYMPIC VILLIAGE!''