

guitar deity
Jul 31, 2002
New England
i am amazed that since getting myself a car last weekend, i have been able to:

a: sleep for an extra 45 minutes
b: listen to music on the car ride
c: drive to a closer and much less expensive commuter rail stop which in turn means 40 minutes less on the train

And all of these things so far have really helped me get up in the morning feeling better and more refreshed and just feeling good.

I wouldn't have thought 45 minutes extra sleep would actually make much difference but it does!

Now all i need to do is find a good replacement exercise for the 25 minutes of walking i used to do on a daily basis when i took the commuter rail from providence. i don't want to balloon up. :(
there was also a really awesome looking blue mazda on the lot for the same price but it made a little too much noise while i test drove it so i decided to not be shallow and go for the bigger and, in my opinion, more reliable yet uglier beige model.
ah, the sign of creeping adulthood. the beige vehicle.

next is minivan.

it's really what's on the inside, though, and i expect to see this mazda cruising around on road trips soon, right?
no sunroof and yes i plan on taking many roadtrips which is why i went for reliable over pretty. i got the one with what i believe to the the lowest mileage(29k) so that i will be speeding down the highway soon enough and if i get a digital camera at some point i can start a whole Baliset road trip adventures thread series!

first roadtrip is actually this weekend. Byron and I are going up to Salem on Saturday to buy incense and see all the gothic loonies out and about for Halloween.
Guitar Lesson #1: How To Piss Off Your Keyboardist

Whilst playing improv open guitar solo to set up a song from your band, work in the theme song from a TV show said keyboardist believes you are obsessed with i.e. Buffy or Angel.

Hear him yell "Greg!" during rehearsal but not actually say a thing on stage and smile to yourself with an intense satisfaction that you may be a dork to the rest of the world but in your own mind you are the coolest mothafucka in the world.

Guitar Lesson #2 How to Piss Off Your Drummer

Apply (1)One Banana Creme pie to drummer's face, kick drummer in scrotum and then offer to assist in cleaning the pie off drummer's face with a healthy squirt of hydrogen peroxide right to the eyes.